Verbreitung und Bildung von Organometallspezies in Altdeponien (BayFORREST) Dietmar Glindemann, Reimer Herrmann, Frank Hertel, Petra Peintinger, Gunter Ilgen
Projects from other divisions
Completed Projects
Development fo several protection concepts for the ecological stabilizaion of mussel streams and their rivarine zone in Oberfranken (NE-Germany) (ZAN Bachmuschel) Gunter Ilgen, Thomas Gollan
The BITÖK analytical laboratory (BITÖK-Z 2) Petra Dietrich, Andrea Glaßer, Gunter Ilgen, Jan Irmler, Kerstin Lateier, Bettina Popp, Christine Stöcker, Thomas Gollan
Dendrochronological investigations on inorganic compunds in wood (WIS-09) Thomas Gollan, Gunter Ilgen