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Frederik Wegener: Publications

Vetter, V; Walter, J; Wilfahrt, P; Buhk, C; Braun, M; Clemens, S; Dinkel, E; Dubbert, M; Schramm, A; Wegener, F; Werner, C; Jentsch, A: Invasion windows for a global legume invader are revealed after joint examination of abiotic and biotic filters, Plant Biology, 21(5), 832-843 (2019), doi:10.1111/plb.12987 -- Details
Misztal, PK; Karl, T; Guenther, A; Harley, P; Williams, J; Sinha, V; Nölscher, AC; Yassaa, N; Wildt, J; Kiendler-Scharr, A; Kleist, E; Fares, S; Gentner, DR; Kaser, L; Keutsch, FN; Schnitzhofer, R; Jardine, K; Werner, C; Wegener, F; Greenberg, J; Worton, D; Thornton, B; Huang, M; Hansel, A; Li, T; Blande, J; Graus, M; Eller, A; Gilman, J; Lerner, B; Warneke, C; Mak, J; Hewitt, CN; Goldstein, AH: Atmospheric benzenoid emissions from plants rival those from fossil fuel, Scientific Reports (2015), doi:10.1038/srep12064
Wegener, F; Beyschlag, W; Werner, C: Dynamic carbon allocation into source and sink tissues determine within-plant differences in carbon isotope ratios., Functional Plant Biology (2015)
Jardine, K; Wegener, F; Abrell, L; van Haren, Joost; Werner, C: Phytogenic Biosynthesis and Emission of Methyl Acetate., Plant Cell and Environment, 37, 414-424 (2014), doi:10.1111/pce.12164 -- Details
Wegener, F; Beyschlag, W; Werner, C: The magnitude of diurnal variation in carbon isotopic composition of leaf dark respired CO2 correlates with the difference between δ13C of leaf and root material., Functional Plant Biology, 37, 849-858 (2010)
Priault, P; Wegener, F; Werner, C: Pronounced differences in diurnal variation of carbon isotope composition of leaf respired CO2 among functional groups, New Phytologist(81), 400-412 (2009) -- Details
Werner, C; Wegener, F; Unger, S; Nogués, S; Priault, P: Short-term dynamics of isotopic composition of leaf respired CO2 upon darkening: measurements and implications., Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23, 2428-2438 (2009)
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