Sven Frei: Publications
Peer reviewed
Boos, J., Dichgans, F., Fleckenstein, J., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S.: Assessing the Behavior of Microplastics in Fluvial Systems : Infiltration and Retention Dynamics in Streambed Sediments. Water Resources Research, 60(2), e2023WR035532 (2024).
Peiffer, S., Maisch, M., Kappler, A., Schmidt, C., Mansor, M., Obst, M., Frei, S.: Kinetic constraints for the formation of microniches for microaerophilic Fe(II) oxidation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 364, 211-223 (2024).
Engel, M., Mischel, S., Quanz, S., Frei, S., Radny, D., Voelpel, R., Schmidt, A.: Localizing and quantifying groundwater‐surface water interactions at different scales : A tracer approach at the River Moselle, Germany. Hydrological Processes, 38(5), e15118 (2024).
Munir, M., Blaurock, K., Frei, S.: Understanding the vulnerability of surface–groundwater interactions to climate change: insights from a Bavarian Forest headwater catchment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83, 12 (2024).
Elagami, H., Frei, S., Boos, J., Trommer, G., Gilfedder, B.: Quantifying microplastic residence times in lakes using mesocosm experiments and transport modelling. Water Research, 229, 119463 (2023).
Buenavista, A., Wang, C., Xie, Y., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Masque, P., Skrzypek, G., Dogramaci, S., McCallum, J.: Analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion model for radon-222 production and transport in shallow porewater profiles. Journal of Hydrology, 623, 129575 (2023).
Gilfedder, B., Elagami, H., Boos, J., Brehm, J., Schott, M., Witt, L., Laforsch, C., Frei, S.: Filter feeders are key to small microplastic residence times in stratified lakes : A virtual experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 890, 164293 (2023).
Dichgans, F., Boos, J., Ahmadi, P., Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Integrated Numerical Modeling to Quantify Transport and Fate of Microplastics in the Hyporheic Zone. Water Research, 243, 120349 (2023).
Zill, J., Siebert, C., Rödiger, T., Schmidt, A., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Schubert, M., Weitere, M., Mallast, U.: A way to determine groundwater contributions to large river systems: The Elbe River during drought conditions. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 50, 101595 (2023).
Shabbir, S., Faheem, M., Dar, A., Ali, N., Kerr, P., Yu, Z., Li, Y., Frei, S., Albasher, G., Gilfedder, B.: Enhanced periphyton biodegradation of endocrine disrupting hormones and microplastic : Intrinsic reaction mechanism, influential humic acid and microbial community structure elucidation. Chemosphere, 293, 133515 (2022).
Brehm, J., Wilde, M., Reiche, L., Leitner, L., Petran, B., Meinhart, M., Wieland, S., Ritschar, S., Schott, M., Boos, J., Frei, S., Kress, H., Senker, J., Greiner, A., Fröhlich, T., Laforsch, C.: In-depth characterization revealed polymer type and chemical content specific effects of microplastic on Dreissena bugensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 437, 129351 (2022).
Elagami, H., Ahmadi, P., Fleckenstein, J., Frei, S., Obst, M., Agarwal, S., Gilfedder, B.: Measurement of microplastic settling velocities and implications for residence times in thermally stratified lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(4), 934-945 (2022).
Ahmadi, P., Elagami, H., Dichgans, F., Schmidt, C., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Systematic Evaluation of Physical Parameters affecting the Terminal Settling Velocity of Microplastic Particles in Lakes using CFD. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 875220 (2022).
Kaule, L., Frei, S.: Analysis of drought conditions and their impacts in a headwater stream in the Central European lower mountain ranges. Regional Environmental Change, 22, 82 (2022).
Lu, T., Gilfedder, B., Peng, H., Niu, G., Frei, S.: Effects of clay minerals on the transport of nanoplastics through water-saturated porous media. Science of the Total Environment, 796, 148982 (2021).
Katona, T., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Bücker, M., Flores-Orozco, A.: High-resolution induced polarization imaging of biogeochemical carbon-turnover hot spots in a peatland. Biogeosciences Discussions, 44 S. (2021).
Frei, S., Gilfedder, B.: Quantifying residence times of bank filtrate : A novel framework using radon as a natural tracer. Water Research, 201, 117376 (2021).
Lu, T., Gilfedder, B., Peng, H., Peiffer, S., Papastavrou, G., Ottermann, K., Frei, S.: Relevance of Iron Oxyhydroxide and Pore Water Chemistry on the Mobility of Nanoplastic Particles in Water-Saturated Porous Media Environments. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 232, 168 (2021).
Frei, S., Gilfedder, B.: Stellungnahme zum Kommentar von Wilfried Uhlmann und Carolin Pezenka zum Beitrag "Quantifizierung lokaler Grundwassereintritte in die Spree und deren Bedeutung für die Verockerungsproblematik in der Lausitz" in Grundwasser 25 (2020), 3, 231–241. Grundwasser, 26, 313-317 (2021).
Glaser, C., Frei, S., Massmann, G., Gilfedder, B.: Tidal creeks as hot-spots for hydrological exchange in a coastal landscape. Journal of Hydrology, 597, 126158 (2021).
Boos, J., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S.: Tracking Microplastics Across the Streambed Interface : Using Laser‐Induced‐Fluorescence to Quantitatively Analyze Microplastic Transport in an Experimental Flume. Water Resources Research, 57(12), e2021WR031064 (2021).
Gilfedder, B., Waska, H., Wismeth, F., Frei, S.: Using heat as a tracer to map and quantify water infiltration and exfiltration along a complex high energy beach face. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 250, 107140 (2021).
Schaller, J., Frei, S., Rohn, L., Gilfedder, B.: Amorphous Silica Controls Water Storage Capacity and Phosphorus Mobility in Soils. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 94 (2020).
Glaser, C., Schwientek, M., Junginger, T., Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Werneburg, M., Zwiener, C., Zarfl, C.: Comparison of environmental tracers including organic micropollutants as groundwater exfiltration indicators into a small river of a karstic catchment. Hydrological Processes, 34(24), 4712-4726 (2020).
Frei, S., Wismeth, F., Gilfedder, B.: Quantifizierung lokaler Grundwassereintritte in die Spree und deren Bedeutung für die Verockerungsproblematik in der Laustiz. Grundwasser, 25, 231-241 (2020).
Gilfedder, B., Cartwright, I., Hofmann, H., Frei, S.: Explicit modelling of Radon-222 in HydroGeoSphere during steady state and dynamic transient storage. Groundwater, 57(1), 36-47 (2019).
Durejka, S., Frei, S., Gilfedder, B.: A Method for Long-Term High Resolution 222-Radon Measurements Using a New Hydrophobic Capillary Membrane System. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 208-209, 105980 (2019).
Frei, S., Piehl, S., Gilfedder, B., Löder, M., Krutzke, J., Wilhelm, L., Laforsch, C.: Occurence of microplastics in the hyporheic zone of rivers. Scientific Reports, 9, 15256 (2019).
Frei, S., Durejka, S., Le Lay, H., Thomas, Z., Gilfedder, B.: Quantification of Hyporheic Nitrate Removal at the Reach Scale : Exposure Times vs. Residence Times. Water Resources Research, 55(11), 9808-9825 (2019).
Frei, S., Zlotnik, V., Grant, S., Azizian, M., Toundykov, D.: Analytical modeling of hyporheic flow for in-stream bedforms : Perturbation method and implementation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 111, 375-385 (2018).
Pittroff, M., Frei, S., Gilfedder, B.: Quantifying nitrate and oxygen reduction rates in the hyporheic zone using 222Rn to upscale biogeochemical turnover in rivers. Water Resources Research, 53(1), 563-579 (2017).
Thomas, Z., Rousseau-Gueutin, P., Kolbe, T., Abbott, B., Marçais, J., Bishop, K., Peiffer, S., Frei, S., Pichelin, P., Pinay, G., de Dreuzy, J.: Constitution of a catchment virtual observatory for sharing flow and transport models outputs. Journal of Hydrology, 543, Part A, 59-66 (2016).
Frei, S., Peiffer, S.: Exposure times rather than residence times control redox transformation efficiencies in riparian wetlands. Journal of Hydrology, 543, Part A, 182-196 (2016).
Glaser, B., Klaus, J., Frei, S., Frentress, J., Pfister, L., Hopp, L.: On the value of surface saturated area dynamics mapped with thermal infrared imagery for modeling the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum. Water Resources Research, 52(10), 8317-8342 (2016).
Liggett, J., Partington, D., Frei, S., Werner, A., Simmons, C., Fleckenstein, J.: An exploration of coupled surface-subsurface solute transport in a fully integrated catchment model. Journal of Hydrology, 529, Part 3, 969-979 (2015).
Frei, S., Gilfedder, B.: FINIFLUX : An implicit finite element model for quantification of groundwater fluxes and hyporheic exchange in streams and rivers using radon. Water Resources Research, 51(8), 6776-6786 (2015).
Gilfedder, B., Frei, S., Hofmann, H., Cartwright, I.: Groundwater discharge to wetlands driven by storm and flood events: Quantification using continuous Radon-222 and electrical conductivity measurements and dynamic mass-balance modelling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 165, 161-177 (2015).
Bartsch, S., Frei, S., Ruidisch, M., Shope, C., Peiffer, S., Kim, B., Fleckenstein, J.: River-aquifer exchange fluxes under monsoonal climate conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 509, 601-614 (2014).
Strohmeier, S., Knorr, K., Reichert, M., Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Peiffer, S., Matzner, E.: Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in runoff from a forested catchment: Insights from high frequency measurements. Biogeosciences, 10, 905-916 (2013).
Partington, D., Brunner, P., Frei, S., Simmons, C., Werner, A., Therrien, R., Maier, H., Dandy, G., Fleckenstein, J.: Interpreting streamflow generation mechanisms from integrated surface-subsurface flow models of a riparian wetland and catchment. Water Resources Research, 49(9), 5501-5519 (2013).
Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Representing effects of micro-topography on runoff generation and sub-surface flow patterns by using superficial rill/depression storage height variations. Environmental Modelling & Software, 52, 5-18 (2013).
Frei, S., Knorr, K., Peiffer, S., Fleckenstein, J.: Surface micro-topography causes hot spots of biogeochemical activity in wetland systems : a virtual modeling experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(G4), G00N12 (2012).
Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Lischeid, G.: Effects of micro-topography on surface-subsurface exchange and runoff generation in a virtual riparian wetland – a modeling study. Advances in Water Resources, 33(11), 1388-1401 (2010).
Frei, S., Fleckenstein, J., Kollet, S., Maxwell, R.: Patterns and dynamics of river-aquifer exchange with variably-saturated flow using a fully-coupled model. Journal of Hydrology, 375(3-4), 383-393 (2009).
Books and Book sections
Lischeid, G., Frei, S., Huwe, B., Bogner, C., Lüers, J., Babel, W., Foken, T.: Catchment Evapotranspiration and Runoff. In: Thomas Foken (eds.): Energy and Matter Fluxes of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 355-375.
Fleckenstein, J., Frei, S., Knorr, K.: Modelling interactions between hydrologic dynamics and biogeochemical processes in a riparian wetland of a low-order stream. In: Abesser, Corinna (Hrsg.): Conceptual and modelling studies of integrated groundwater, surface water, and ecological systems : proceedings of Symposium H01, held during IUGG2011 in Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. - Wallingford : IAHS Publ., 2011. - 87-92.
Other publications
Ruidisch, M., Bartsch, S., Kettering, J., Huwe, B., Frei, S.: The effect of fertilizer best management practices on nitrate leaching in a plastic mulched ridge cultivation system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 169, 21-32 (2013).
Frei, S.: Interactions between hydrology and biogeochemistry within riparian wetlands. - Bayreuth: 2013. - 249 S. p.
(Thesis, 2013, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)