Michalzik, B; Müller, T; Stadler, B: Aphids on Norway spruce and their effects on forest floor solution chemistry, Forest Ecology and Management, 118, 1-10 (1999) | |
Abstract: Many species of aphids on spruce excrete large quantities of honeydew. As providers of carbohydrates, it is likely that they affect several ecosystem functions by fuelling biological processes, which are energy limited. In a rainfall simulation experiment we manipulated the level of aphid infestation on spruce and studied the effects of honeydew on forest floor solution chemistry collected underneath infested and uninfested trees. A non-destructive sampling method was used to allow repeated measurements using the same forest floor during the experimental period. Although the input of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) underneath infested trees to the forest floor was considerably higher compared to uninfested trees, carbon concentrations of forest floor leachates did not differ between treatments. Concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), NO |