Gerhard Gebauer: Theses supervised
Bachelor's Theses | |
Johanna Lorenz (2021) |
Dependency of mycoheterotrophic carbon gain in Neottia ovata and companion orchids in Northearstern Bavaria on small-scale light conditions and mycorrhizal partners: a multi-element isotope ratio mass spectrometry analysis Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Erik Söll (2021) |
Fungi extraction from orchid roots: Influence of different fungal partners on the isotopic composition of 3 partially mycoheterotrophic Epipactis species Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Fabian Hofmann (2021) |
The Hawaiian Myrtaceae Meterosideros polymorpha develops preferentially on moss. Is there an interaction with mycorrhiza fungi? Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Lukas Seifert (2019) |
Occurence of dark septate fungi in selected Caryophyllaceaeand analysis of their role in nitrogen aquisition using stable isotopes Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Miriam Wickmann (2019) |
Is herbarium material suited to identify heterotrophic nitrogen gains by Nepenthes species from Borneo? A stable isotope natural abundance approach Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Stefanie Simon (2018) |
Stable isotopes and modelling as tool to identify the authenticity of wheat flour products Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Paul Spörlein (2018) |
Does the heterotrophic C-gain change with the development stages of a hemiparasite? Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Kimberly Hujsl (2016) |
Orchids with decoupled leaf and flower development - Nutrient storage or mycoheterotrophy? Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Theresia Ramm (2016) |
Is Corallorhiza trifida a partial or a full mycoheterotroph? Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Michael Schwanfelder (2015) |
Is the East-mediterranean orchid Steveniella satyroides partially mycoheterotrophic? Investigations using stable isotopes Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Sebastian Zanner (2015) |
Seasonal variation of carbon gain by the leafless orchid Corallorhiza trifida - stable isotope natural abundance, tracer uptake and gas exchange measurements Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Johannes Schott (2015) |
Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometrie als Werkzeug zur Bestimmung mykoheterotropher Ernährung bei Vertretern der Orchideengattung Epipactis Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Florian Lenhard (2014) |
Identification of partial mycoheterotrophy in alpine meadow orchids by multielement stable isotope analysis Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Anika Cartus (2013) |
Vergleich der Chlorophyll-, C- und N-Konzentrationen und Isotopenhäufigkeiten in grünen und andersfarbigen Segmenten panaschierter Blätter Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Christian Kemnade (2013) |
C and N isotope abundances and total C and N concentrations in Listera ovata and Ophrys insectifera in dependence on light availability Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Sebastian Haas (2012) |
The fate of nitrate applied to a Norway Spruce forest soil in the Fichtelgebirge – concentrations and isotope signatures along soil profiles Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Christine Hellerström (2010) |
Lachgasaustausch zwischen Boden und Atmosphäre im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden in Abhängigkeit von Vegetation, Umweltfaktoren und landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Master's Theses | |
Christina Marburger (2022) |
Comparison of enrichment factors e13C and e2H as tools to calculate fungal-derived organic carbon gains by partially mycoheterotrophic orchids Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Leon Kersting (2021) |
Are endemic orchids from Hawaii partially mycoheterotrophic? Analysis of H and O stable isotopes with Anoectochilus sandvicensis and Liparis hawaiensis from several locations Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Franziska E. Zahn (2020) |
How widely distributed is partial mycoheterotrophy among green, terrestrial orchids in Taiwan? a multi-element stable isotope approach with a selection of species Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Nico Rössel (2019) |
Determining the geographical origin of beer on regional scale based on stable isotope composition and trace element fingerprints Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Julian Brehm (2019) |
Searching for mycoheterotrophy among leafy and leafless Neottia species from Japan and China: A multi-element stable isotope approach Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Judith Kehl (2019) |
Multi-element stable isotope natural abundance in 13 arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophic plant species of different taxonomic groups and wide geographic origin Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Stefan G. Bindereif (2017) |
Multivariate analysis of fine cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) using a combination of isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Philipp Giesemann (2016) |
Distinguishing carbon gains from photosynthesis and heterotrophy in C3-hemiparasite-C3-host-pairs Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Saskia Klink (2016) |
From prey to predator - Nutrient flows from animals to temperate carnivorous plants (Pinguicula, Utricularia) elucidated with a stable isotope natural abundance approach Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Elisabeth Hüllbusch (2016) |
Which fungi taste good to orchids? Diversity of carbon and nitrogen gaining strategies in selected orchids from Southeast Asia Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Andreas Makiola (2014) |
Do hydrogen isotopes provide new insights into mycoheterotrophic carbon gains by pyroloids? Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Michael Thoma (2013) |
15N tracer experiments to elucidate the fate of N2O in a forest soil under drought conditions Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Sina Berger (2010) |
Following the footprints of N2O and CH4 between soil and atmosphere of an extensively managed meadow and a potato field in the Eger Basin, Fichtelgebirge, by stable isotope and concentration values along soil profiles together with gas flux measurements Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Diploma Theses | |
Janine Sommer (2010) |
Carbon and nitrogen sources and fungal partners of selected Western Australian orchids Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Maria Podszus (2010) |
N2O- und CH4-Flüsse zwischen Boden und Atmosphäre und zugrunde liegende Prozesse untersucht an Hand von Konzentrations- und Isotopenprofilen im Boden eines Auwalds im Fichtelgebirge Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Julia Köpp (2009) |
Trockenheit und Wiederbefeuchtung als meteorologische Einflussfaktoren für biogene Produktion und Konsumption von CH4, N2O und NO in einem Niedermoor Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
David Eichenberg (2009) |
Natürliche C- und N-Isotopenverhältnisse bei ausgewählten einheimischen Cyperaceen Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Iris Adam (2009) |
Bestimmung des C- und N-Gewinns mykoheterotropher Pflanzen auf Bestandesebene in einem Buchenwald mittels Isotopenhäufigkeitsanalysen Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Johanna Pausch (2009) |
Ecophysiological investigations on the carbon and nitrogen gain of a selection of Western Australian orchids Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Heiko T. Liebel (2007) |
Mode of Nutrition of Mediterranean Orchids – Carbon and Nitrogen Gain from Mycorrhizal Fungi Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Cornelia Meyer (2006) |
Der Effekt des Lichtklimas auf den Grad der mykoheterotrophen Ernährung mitteleuropäischer Orchideen Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Katja Preiß (2006) |
Partielle Mykoheterotrophie auch bei Pyrolaceen? Untersuchungen zur C- und N-Ernährung mitteleuropäischer Pyrola- und Chimaphila-Arten mit Hilfe von Isotopenhäufigkeitsanalysen und Identifikation der Mykorrhiza-Partner Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Stefanie Goldberg (2006) |
Dynamik von N2O-, NO- und CH4-Flüssen und ihrer biogenen Entstehungsprozesse bei Austrocknung/Wiederbefeuchtung und Gefrier-/Auftau-Ereignissen in einem Fichtenwaldboden Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Jens Tilsner (1999) |
Laborversuche und Freilandmessungen zur Bestimmung der natürlichen Isotopenhäufigkeit von N2O und der Emission von N2O und NOx aus einem extensiv bewirtschafteten Grünlandökosystem Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Nicole Wrage (1999) |
Quantifizierung und Herkunftszuordnung der N2O-Emission aus einem Grünlandökosystem mit Hilfe von 15N- und 18O-Messungen Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Christoph May (1995) |
Umsatz von 15N-Ammonium und 15N-Nitrat im Boden unter einem Fichtenaltbestand (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) am Großen Waldstein (Fichtelgebirge, NE-Bayern Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
PhD Theses | |
Franziska E. Zahn (2023) |
Exploring plant nutritional strategies in orchid and arbuscular mycorrhizal associations using stable isotope natural abundance Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Laura Skates (2021) |
How carnivorous are carnivorous plants? A spectrum of nutritional rewards from prey elucidated with stable isotope techniques Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer, Kingsley Dixon, Adam Cross, Jason Stevens, Erik Veneklaas |
Philipp Giesemann (2021) |
Understanding plant-fungal nutritional strategies using stable isotopes Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Julienne Schweiger (2018) |
Partial mycoheterotrophy in orchids Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Silvia Parra Suárez (2018) |
The value of stable isotope applications to identify the origin and fate of NO3- in small catchments Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Heiko T. Liebel (2016) |
Mycoheterotrophic nutrition of selected European orchids in dependence on the light regime Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Sina Berger (2012) |
Comparisons of N2O and CH4 fluxes as affected by land use systems and climate in small catchments in Korea Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Katja Preiß (2009) |
Investigating the ecology of partial and full myco-heterotrophy among Orchidaceae and Ericaceae using the stable isotope natural abundance analysis approach Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Stefanie Goldberg (2009) |
Dynamics and underlying processes of N2O and NO soil-atmosphere exchange under extreme meteorological boundary conditions Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Christoph May (1999) |
Nutzung von Ammonium und Nitrat durch Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.) und Traubeneiche (Quercus petraea [L.] Karst. Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |
Jutta Lauf (1998) |
Entwicklung von Methoden zur Bestimmung des natürlichen Stickstoff-Isotopenverhältnisses von NH3, NO und NO2 in Umgebungsluft Supervisor: Gerhard Gebauer |