Peter Wilfahrt
Postdoc & International FellowBis 04/2020 bei Störungsökologie
e-Mail: Peter.Wilfahrt(at)uni-bayreuth.de
I am a community ecologist working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Disturbance Ecology at the University of Bayreuth. My research is motivated by understanding how plant species interact with each other and their environment to maintain biodiversity in communities. In particular, I use observational and experimental data on taxonomic and functional diversity to infer mechanisms driving temporal and spatial community dynamics in response to biotic interactions, such as plant enemies and plant-plant competition, as well as abiotic factors, such as eutrophication and disturbances. Currently I am actively involved in the SusAlps project, looking at passive warming and management interactions on grassland productivity using downslope translocations of soil-plant mesocosms in the German Alps. I am also involved in the development of common metrics for use in experimental community ecology.
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