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Disturbance Ecology

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Professorship for Disturbance Ecology   Prof. Dr. Anke Jentsch

Welcome! - Disturbance Ecology and Vegetation Dynamics

Welcome to Disturbance Ecology!
Our scientific interest and expertise is in vegetation science, disturbance ecology and ecosystem dynamics, plant biodiversity and community ecology, experiments on effects of climate change and extreme weather events, ecosystem functions, resilience, biogeography, dynamics in protection areas, and ecological novelty. Our research activities include running different collaborative experiments across altitudinal gradients, various biomes and continents - studying extreme drought (DroughtNet), nutrient availability and herbivory (NutNet), climate and land use change (SUSALPS) Our deepest interest is in understanding pulse dynamics in ecology and advancing the frontiers of disturbance theory!

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Chair of Disturbance Ecology

Prof. Dr. Anke Jentsch
University of Bayreuth
D - 95440 Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
D - 95447 Bayreuth

Sabrina Elf
GEO II, Raum 129
Tel. +49(0)921-55-2287
E-Mail: disturbance-ecology@uni-bayreuth.de

> Campusplan


Book Disturbance Ecology Störungsökologie-Buch


  Textbook - Disturbance Ecology
(Wohlgemuth, Jentsch, Seidl)

Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands. (Film for the publication with the same name on YouTube, 1:56 minutes).

Resilienz - Was trägt in turbulenten Zeiten?
(BR Campus Talk, 28:45 min)

Störungsökologie: da kommt Bewegung auf! (pdf)

 Hidden Secrets of Ecology (pdf)

Film: The professorship of disturbance ecology as part of the geoecology studies (in German) (YouTube)Trailer_Geoökologie

 A theory of pulse dynamics and disturbance in ecology.pulse

 Fragmentary Blue - Resolving the Rarity Paradox in Flower Colors



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