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PEER-Course: Presentation skills

Presentation skills are a key factor in science and other areas to convey your ideas and to make new contacts.  The BayCEER workshop is a good opportunity to present your work to an interdisciplinary audience of experts.

This course is for PhD (and master) students presenting a poster or a talk at the BayCEER workshop. Take the chance to get feedback on your contribution!

Course Schedule

Monday, October 7, 2013

S 36 (NW I)

We discuss your (draft) posters and talks and develop a criteria list for the evaluation of presentations.
Please bring the electronic version of your presentation!

- Time to improve your contribution for the BayCEER Workshop -
Thursday, October 10, 2013

The group is part of the jury for the poster prize as well as the prize for the best talk announced for PhD/master students. Feedback on poster and oral presentations of the group is collected during the workshop.
October 11, 2013

S 34 (NW I)

Concluding meeting: the written feedback on the individual contributions is delivered and discussed, we conclude and evaluate the course.

Who can participate?

This program is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. It is open to all PhD students. Priority will be given to members of the PhD program for Ecology and Environmental Research (PEER).

Participation is particularly encouraged if you give your first presentation to a larger audience. You may also participate if you want specific feedback on your presentation skills.


Please check the appropriate box during online registration if you want to participate!

Contact: Birgit Thies, Heike Feldhaar

Letzte Änderung 07.10.2013