
4 Open Poster Session

P 1 Taotao Lu, Sven Frei, Gilfedder Ben, Stefan Peiffer
Factors controlling transport of Nanoplastics in saturated porous media
P 2 Robin Kaule, Ben Gilfedder, Stefan Peiffer
Influence of multiple stressors on N, C and Fe turnover in the hyporheic zone
P 3 Katharina Blaurock
The influence of topography on the mobilization of dissolved organic carbon in a small forested catchment in the Bavarian Forest National Park
P 4 Lisa Hennig, Sven Frei, Britta Aufgebauer
Prognosis and analysis of the behavior of small catchment areas in the context of local climate change
P 5 Ulrike Schwerdtner, Marie Spohn
Mechanisms of plant phosphorus acquisition in intercropping: The role of phosphatase activity and pH in the rhizosphere
P 6 Philipp Giesemann, Gebauer Gerhard
A widespread phenomenon to cheat on fungal partners? - New insights for partial mycoheterotrophy in arbuscular mycorrhizae -
P 7 Stefan Bindereif, Stephan Schwarzinger, Peter Kolb, Jasmin Kniese, Nina Hoffmann, Holger Willms, Stefan Blindeneder, Heinar Schmidt, Gerhard Gebauer
Authenticity testing of cereals and related foodstuffs using IRMS and various spectral fingerprints – a work in progress
P 8 Aicha Seifelislam, Esmail Alfadul, Christina Bogner
Agricultural cycles in the Khor Abu Habil alluvial fan, Sudan
P 9
Paul Spörlein, Philipp Giesemann, Gerhard Gebauer
Does the heterotrophic C-gain change with the development stages of a hemiparasite? A time series of the isotope abundance in Melampyrum pratense L. and Pedicularis sylvatica L.
P 10 Judith Bieberich, Heike Feldhaar, Marianne Lauerer
Invasive Impatiens glandulifera: micro niche and impact on plant community
P 11 Susanne Kurze, Mark C. Bilton, Katja Tielbörger, Bettina Engelbrecht, Leonor Álvarez-Cansino
Annual species do not show continuous trait shifts along a steep rainfall gradient
P 12 Elisabeth Hüllbusch, Steven Higgins
Extreme climatic and edaphic conditions determine the type of mycorrhiza in North American forests
P 13 Peter Wilfahrt, Anke Jentsch
A common metric for community ecology to disentangle climate and soil drivers of biomass production
P 14 Negin Katal, Vanessa Cutt, Caroline Löwer
The role of valleys in the isolation, distribution and dispersal of endemic species
P 15 Benjamin Henneberg, Simon Bauer, Markus Birkenbach, Heike Feldhaar, Elisabeth Obermaier
Diversity of saproxylic arthropod communities in tree hollows with regard to forest and landscape structure
P 16 Klaus-Martin Moldenhauer
New findings on the geomorphic evolution of the Red Main River valley in Northern Bavaria, Germany
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