Natalja Balzer: Talks, Posters...
Talks | ||
Kinetic and mechanistic studies on seasalt activation and halogenation of organic aerosol | Balzer, N; Behnke, W*; Bleicher, S*; Krüger, HU; Ofner, J*; Zetzsch, C | Meeting of DFG Research Unit 763 Oberjoch 2009, Oberjoch: 2009-04-03 |
Release of reactive halogen species from sea-salt aerosols under tropospheric conditions with/without influence of organic matter in smog-chamber experiments | Balzer, N; Behnke, W; Bleicher, S; Krüger, HU; Ofner, J; Zetzsch, C* | American Geosciences Union Fall Meeting 2008, San Francisco: 2008-12-10 - 2008-12-15 |
Halogen Activation and HULIS | Behnke, W; Balzer, N; Ofner, J*; Siekmann, F; Zetzsch, C | Start meeting of the Research Unit 763, Oberflockenbach (D): 2008-05-14 - 2008-05-15 |
Posters | ||
Kinetic and mechanistic studies on seasalt activation and halogenation of organic aerosol | Balzer, N; Bleicher, S; Zetzsch, C | BayCEER Workshop 2009, Bayreuth: 2009-04-02 |
Release of reactive halogen species from sea-salt aerosols and interaction with secondary organic aerosols and HULIS in smog-chamber experiments | Balzer, N; Behnke, W; Ofner, J; Siekmann, F; Zetzsch, C | AICI-HiT-SPARC Workshop, Cambridge: 2008-07-16 - 2008-07-18 |
* denotes presenting person