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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Installaltion of the central experimental sites

DFG FOR 562 TP Z: (2005-2008)

From 04/2005 to 03/2008

Principal Investigator: Egbert Matzner, Bernd Huwe
Grant: FOR 562 Dynamics of soil processes under extreme meteorological boundary conditions

Freezing and thawing as well as drying and rewetting may change the function of soils dramatically in respect to the C, N and S cycle and as medium for root growth. In field and laboratory experiments we will manipulate soil temperature and water content to investigate the occurrance, the underlying mechanisms and the effects of these cylces. Experiments will be conducted in two soils of the German Fichtelgebirge area: A Podsol soil under Norway spruce and a histosol. Within the project “Central Experiments” the experimental plots used by all other projects will be established and organized. The project delivers the experimental infrastructure and basic data on soil temperatures, water contents, water table and soil solution chemistry in high temporal and spatial resolution. All data will be made available to the project members in a data base

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