Offered Master Thesis
Biologische Stickstoff-Fixierung in patagonischen Mooren more... Contact: Werner Borken |
Biomasse, Umsatz und Abbau von Aerenchym-Wurzeln vasculärer Pflanzen in Mooren (Chile, Deutschland) more... Contact: Werner Borken |
Topsoil vs. Subsoil – Soil organic carbon dynamics in different land uses over the year Contact: Bettina Haas, Nele Meyer |
Accumulation of plant-biomass in soil Evaluate accumulation rates for lignin in soils under maize cultivation. more... Contact: Eva Lehndorff, Andrea Scheibe |
Soil insects and soil properties Soil insects control soil properties. In what quantity do phenolic substances from insects accumulate in soil? more... Contact: Eva Lehndorff |
Waldbodenkartierung im Projekt „Waldbodenvitalisierung“ Lege den Grundstein für unser Projekt zur Waldbodenvitalisierung! more... Contact: Eva Lehndorff |
Fate of microplastic between atmosphere, soil and plant Microplastics are introduced into soils and water bodies via atmospheric deposition. Test yourself how the amount and composition of microplastic changes along this path and what significance this has for tits uptake into vegetation. Contact: Eva Lehndorff |