Micro lysimetry as a tool for studying soil solution chemistry in the vicinity of growing roots
From 01/1995 to 12/1997Principal Investigator: Egbert Matzner
Staff: Antje Dieffenbach, Axel Göttlein
Grant: 0339476 B Vorhersage und Erklärung des Verhaltens und der Belastbarkeit von Ökosystemen unter veränderten Umweltbedingungen
The aim of our project was to investigate microscale variabilities of soil solution chemistry which are caused by soil structure, soil horizons and the activity of growing roots. We used micro suction cups as sampling device and capillary electrophoresis for ion analysis.
Within a soil profile gradients of soil solution chemistry an of as soil solid phase characteristics could be observed on very short distances (<2 cm). Steep concentration gradients at visible soil horizon borders could not be observed. At this scale it was also not possible to identify regulation mechanisms between soil solid phase and soil solution chemistry. We observed distinct differences in solution concentrations of Al
Micro suction cups and capillary electrophoresis proved to be a powerful tool for investigating spatial and temporal variations of soil solution chemistry, with the essential advantage that Al
List of publications of this Project
Göttlein, A; Heim, A; Matzner, E: Mobilization of aluminium in the rhizosphere soil solution of growing tree roots in an acidic soil, Plant and Soil, 211, 41-49 (1999) -- Details |
Bakker, MR; Dieffenbach, A; Ranger, J: Soil solution chemistry in the rhizosphere of roots of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) as influenced by lime, Plant and Soil, 209, 209-216 (1999) -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Manderscheid, B: Spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of soil water tension in a mature Norway spruce stand, Hydrological Processes, 12, 417-428 (1998) -- Details |
Göttlein, A: Determination of free Al |
Lischeid, G; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Göttlein, A; Jungnickel, C; Lange, H; Manderscheid, B; Moritz, K; Ostendorf, B; Sager, H: Investigating soil and groundwater quality at different scales in a forested catchment: the Waldstein case study , Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 50, 109-118 (1998) -- Details |
Dieffenbach, A; Göttlein, A; Matzner, E: In-situ soil solution chemistry in an acid forest soil as influenced by growing roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), Plant and Soil, 192, 57-61 (1997) -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Matzner, E: Microscale heterogeneity of acidity related stress-parameters in the soil solution of a forested cambic podzol, Plant and Soil, 192, 95-105 (1997) -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Blasek, R: Analysis of small volumes of soil solution by capillary electrophoresis, Soil Science, 161 (10), 705-715 (1996) -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Hell, U; Blasek, R: A system for microscale tensiometry and lysimetry, Geoderma, 69, 147-156 (1996) -- Details |
Göttlein, A; Stanjek, H: Micro-scale variation of solid-phase properties and soil solution chemistry in a forest podzol and its relation to soil horizons, European Journal of Soil Science, 47, 627-636 (1996) -- Details |
Göttlein, A: Mikroskalige Variabilität von Bodenlösungskonzentrationen und Saugspannungen in einem sauren Waldboden, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 76, 25-28 (1995) |
Göttlein, A; Dieffenbach, A: Zeitlich und räumlich hochauflösende Bodenwasserpotentialmessungen (Tensiometrie) im Freilandexperiment und Laborversuch, Borkheider Seminar zur Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes, 6, 155-160 (1995) |
Göttlein, A: Mikroskalige Variabilität der Bodenlösungschemie - Ergebnisse eines Laborversuchs zum Vergleich von Standard- und Mikro-Saugkerzen, Z. Pflanzenernährung Bodenkunde, 158, 205-206 (1995) -- Details |