Effects of decreasing SO4 2- , Ca2+ , and Mg2+ deposition on the cation exchange capacity and the base saturation of acid forest soils
From 01/1995 to 12/1997Principal Investigator: Egbert Matzner
Staff: Gunda Matschonat
Grant: 0339476 B Vorhersage und Erklärung des Verhaltens und der Belastbarkeit von Ökosystemen unter veränderten Umweltbedingungen
List of publications of this Project
Matschonat, G; Vogt, R: Significance of the total cation concentration in acid forest soils for the solution composition and the saturation of exchange sites, Geoderma, 84, 289-307 (1998) -- Details |
Matschonat, G; Vogt, R: Effects of changes in pH, ionic strength, and sulphate concentration on the CEC of temperate acid forest soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 48, 163-171 (1997) -- Details |
Matschonat, G; Vogt, R: Assessment of a laboratory method to obtain the equilibrium solution composition of forest soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 48, 545-552 (1997) -- Details |
Vogt, R; Matschonat, G: Patterns of soil solution composition in acid forest soils: differences between undisturbed and bulk samples, Z. Pflanzenernährung Bodenkunde, 160, 549-554 (1997) -- Details |
Matschonat, G; Matzner, E: Soil chemical properties affecting NH |
Matschonat, G; Vogt, R: Equilibrium solution composition and exchange properties of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples from an acid forest soil, Plant and Soil, 183, 171-179 (1996) -- Details |
Holland, W; Matschonat, G; Grosholz, C: Entwicklung der Basensättigung und der Kationenaustauschkapazität des Bodens bei nachlassenden Säure-Einträgen, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 76/I, 297-298 (1995) |