DDA/NSC Joint Research Collaboration
Taiwan: DAAD
From 01/2001 to 12/2002Staff: Shih-Chieh Chang
The objective of this project is to introduce the experience of fog-study from Bayreuth Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research (BITÖK), Germany to a long-term ecological research (LTER) site at Yuanyang Lake, Taiwan. It is focused on setting up the facilities and characterization of the effect of fog deposition on mineral element cycling in this mountainous forest ecosystem. In addition to the meterological and chemical analyses of fog deposition, the contribution of epiphytes in the terrestrial vegetation to element cycling will be particularly studied. The experimental work on fog deposition on the bryophytes will be conducted in the field; the results will be used to estimate the stand-scale deposition rate. A comparison of the role of fog deposition in this ecosystem with those observed in Germany will be done.