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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Marie Spohn: Projects

  • DeepEarthshape - Microbial element cycling as a driver of soil formation (DFG SP 1389/5-2 in PP 1803)
    Andrea Scheibe, Marie Spohn [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Microbial phosphorus cycling in forest soils as dependent on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus availability (DFG SP1389/4-2 im SPP 1685)
    Giovanni Pastore, Marie Spohn [Details]

  • Mechanismen der Phosphor-Akquise von Nutzpflanzen in Mischkulturen (1)
    Ulrike Schwerdtner, Marie Spohn [Details]

  • Sustainable use of alpine and pre-alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (Susalps 2016 (BonaRes project funded by BMBF))
    Marie Spohn [Details]

  • Stoichiometric homeostasis of soil microorganisms as a driver of element cycling in grasslands (DFG SP1389/6-1 in the Emmy Noether program)
    Meike Widdig, Per-Marten Schleuss, Eduardo Vazquez, Marie Spohn [Details]

  • Phosphorus solubilization by microorganisms and plants at different stages of soil development (DFG SP 1389/5-1 im SPP 1803)
    Emanuel Brucker, Marie Spohn [Details]

  • Phosphorus turnover in forest soils: Effects of drying/rewetting and the role of dissolved organic P (P-Turnover)
    Mai Van Dinh, Marie Spohn, Egbert Matzner [Details]

  • Microbial phosphorus mobilization and immobilization in rhizosphere and in root free soil (DFG SP1389/4-1 im SPP 1685)
    Christine Heuck, Marie Spohn [Details]

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