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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Jan Muhr: Publications

Peer-reviewed journals
Ahrens, B; Reichstein, M; Borken, W; Muhr, J; Trumbore, SE; Wutzler, T: Bayesian calibration of a soil organic carbon model using Δ14C measurements of soil organic carbon and heterotrophic respiration as joint constraints, Biogeosciences, 11, 2147-2168 (2014), doi:10.5194/bg-11-2147-2014 -- Details
Krüger, I; Muhr, J; Hartl-Meier, C; Schulz, C; Borken, W: Age determination of coarse woody debris with radiobarbon analysis and dendrochronological cross-dating, European Journal of Forest Research , 133, 931-939 (2014), doi:10.1007/s10342-014-0810-x -- Details
Vicca, S; Bahn, M; Estiarte, M; Alberti, G; Ambus, P; Arain, MA; Beier, C; Bentley, L; Borken, W; Buchmann, N; Collins, S; de Dato, G; Dukes, J; Escolar, C; Fay, P; Guidolotti, G; Hanson, P; Kahmen, A; Kroel-Dulay, G; Ladreiter-Knauss, T; Larsen, K; Lellei-Kovacs, E; Lebrija-Trejos, E; Maestre, FT; Marhan, S; Marshall, M; Meir, P; Miao, Y; Muhr, J; Niklaus, P; Ogaya, R; Penuelas, J; Poll, C; Rustad, L; Savage, K; Schindlbacher, A; Schmidt, IK; Smith, A; Sotta, E; Suseela, V; Tietema, A; van Gestel, N; van Loon, EE; van Straaten, O; Vargas, R; Wan, S; Weber, U; Janssens, I: Can current mosture responses of soil respiration be extrapolated into the future? A synthesis of precipitation manipulation experiments, Biogeosciences, 11, 2991-3013 (2014), doi:10.5194/bg-11-2991-2014 -- Details
Vicca, S; Bahn, M; Estiarte, M; Alberti, G; Ambus, P; Beier, C; Bentley, L; Borken, W; Buchmann, N; Collins, S; de Dato, G; Dukes, J; Escolar, C; Fay, P; Guidolotti, G; Hanson, P; Kahmen, A; Kroel-Dulay, G; Ladreiter-Knauss, T; Larsen, K; Lellei-Kovacs, E; Lebrija-Trejos, E; Maestre, FT; Marhan, S; Marshall, M; Meir, P; Miao, Y; Muhr, J; Niklaus, P; Ogaya, R; Penuelas, J; Poll, C; Rustad, L; Savage, K; Schindlbacher, A; Schmidt, IK; Smith, A; Sotta, E; Suseela, V; Tietema, A; van Gestel, N; van Loon, EE; van Straaten, O; Vargas, R; Wan, S; Weber, U; Janssens, IA: Corrigendum to: "Can current moisture responses predict soil co2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments" published in Biogeosciences 11, 2991-3013, 2014, Biogeosciences, 11, 3307-3308 (2014), doi:10.5194/bg-11-3307-2014 -- Details
Hanke, A; Cerli, C; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Kalbitz, K: Redox control on carbon mineralization and dissolved organic matter along a chronosequence of paddy soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 476-487 (2013), doi:10.1111/ejss.12042 -- Details
Otieno, DO; Lindner, S; Muhr, J; Borken, W: Sensitivity of peatland grasses to vapor pressure deficit and ground water level fluctuations influences net ecosystem CO2 exchange, Wetlands, 32, 895-905 (2012), doi:DOI: 10.1007/s13157-012-0322-8 -- Details
Muhr, J; Höhle, J; Otieno, DO; Borken, W: Manipulative lowering of the water table during summer does not affect CO2 emissions and uptake in a minerotrophic fen in South-eastern Germany, Ecological Applications, 21, 391-401 (2011), doi:10.1890/09-1251.1 -- Details
Muhr, J; Franke, J; Borken, W: Drying-rewetting events reduce C and N losses from a Norway spruce forest floor, Soil Biology Biochemistry, 42, 1303-1312 (2010) -- Details
Muhr, J; Borken, W: Delayed recovery of soil respiration after wetting of dry soil further reduces C losses from a Norway spruce soil, Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, 114, G04023 (2009), doi:10.1029/2009JG000998 -- Details
Muhr, J; Borken, W; Matzner, E: Effects of soil frost on soil respiration and its radiocarbon signature in a Norway spruce forest soil, Global Change Biology, 15, 782-793 (2009) -- Details
Otieno, DO; Wartinger, M; Nishiwaki, A; Hussain, MZ; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Lischeid, G: Responses of CO2 exchange and primary production of the ecosystem components to environmental changes in a mountain peatland, Ecosystems, 12, 590-603 (2009), doi:10.1007/s10021-009-9245-5 -- Details
Schulze, K; Borken, W; Muhr, J; Matzner, E: Stock, turnover time and accumulation of organic matter in bulk and density fractions of a podzol soil., European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 567-577 (2009), doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2009.01134.x -- Details
Goldberg, S; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Gebauer, G: Fluxes of climate-relevant trace gases between a Norway spruce forest soil and atmosphere during repeated freeze-thaw cycles in mesocosms, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171, 729-739 (2008), doi:10.1002/jpln.200700317 -- Details
Muhr, J; Goldberg, S; Borken, W; Gebauer, G: Repeated drying-rewetting cycles and their effects on the emission of CO2, N2O, NOx and CH4 in a forest soil, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171, 719-728 (2008), doi:10.1002/jpln.200700302 -- Details
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