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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Claudia Jungnickel: Publications

Peer-reviewed journals
Manderscheid, B; Jungnickel, C; Alewell, C: Spatial variability of sulfate isotherms in forest soils at different scales and its implications for the modeling of soil sulfate fluxes, Soil Science, 165, 848-857 (2000) -- Details
Lischeid, G; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Göttlein, A; Jungnickel, C; Lange, H; Manderscheid, B; Moritz, K; Ostendorf, B; Sager, H: Investigating soil and groundwater quality at different scales in a forested catchment: the Waldstein case study , Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 50, 109-118 (1998) -- Details
Non-peer-reviewed journals and series
Matzner, E; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Huwe, B; Gehre, M; Gerstberger, P; Ilgen, G; Jungnickel, C; Lischeid, G; Kammerer, G; Manderscheid, B; Matschonat, G; Moritz, K; Schweisser, T; Tenhunen, JD; Totsche, KU: Biogeochemistry of a coniferous catchment in response to changing atmospheric deposition, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 56, 129-160 (1998)
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