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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Annette Prechtel: Publications

Peer-reviewed journals
Totsche, KU; Amelung, W; Gerzabek, MH; Guggenberger, G; Klumpp, E; Knief, C; Lehndorff, E; Mikutta, R; Peth, S; Prechtel, A; Ray, N; Kögel-Knabner, I: Microaggregates in soils, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181, 104-136 (2018), doi:10.1002/jpln.201600451 -- Details
Alewell, C; Armbruster, M; Bittersohl, J; Evans, CD; Meesenburg, H; Moritz, K; Prechtel, A: Are there signs of acidification reversal in freshwater of the low mountain ranges in Germany?, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 367-378 (2001) -- Details
Evans, CD; Cullen, JM; Alewell, C; Kopácek, J; Marchetto, A; Moldan, F; Prechtel, A; Rogora, M; Veselý, J; Wright, RF: Recovery from acidification in European surface waters, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 283-297 (2001)
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Armbruster, M; Bittersohl, J; Cullen, JM; Evans, CD; Heliwell, R; Kopácek, J; Marchetto, A; Matzner, E; Meesenburg, H; Moldan, F; Moritz, K; Vesely, J; Wright, R: Response of sulphur dynamics in European catchments to decreasing sulphate deposition, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 311-325 (2001) -- Details
Wright, R; Alewell, C; Cullen, JM; Evans, CD; Marchetto, A; Moldan, F; Prechtel, A; Rogora, M: Trends in nitrogen deposition and leaching in acid-sensitive streams in Europe, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 299-310 (2001) -- Details
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Michalzik, B; Matzner, E: Different effect of drying on the fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from a Norway spruce forest floor, Journal of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., (2000) 163, 517-521 (2000) -- Details
Non-peer-reviewed journals and series
Prechtel, A; Schneider, J: Versauerung unter Wald, Arbeitshefte Boden, 2002/1, 17-27 (2002)
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Evans, C; Matzner, E: Dynamik der Schwefel-Vorräte bewaldeter Einzugsgebiete Europas bei nachlassender Sulfatdeposition, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96, 261-262 (2001)
Books and Book Chapters
Prechtel, A; Armbruster, M; Matzner, E: Modelling sulphate stream concentrations in the Black Forest catchments Schluchsee and Villingen in Geller, W.; Klapper, H.; Salomons W. (ed.): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 7, 552-560 (2003) -- Details
Other Publications
Prechtel, A: Release of stored sulphur from acid soils under decreasing sulphur deposition in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 107, 1-102 (2004) -- Details
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