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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Matzner, E; Meiwes, KJ: Long-term development of element fluxes with bulk precipitation and throughfall in two German forests, J. Environmental Quality, 23, 162-166 (1994)
Long-term monitoring of element fluxes with bulk precipitation and throughfall in two forest ecosystems of the German Soiling area revealed substantial changes in the chemical climate of these ecosystems. From 1969 to 1990, fluxes of NO3 and NH3 in throughfall increased by 40 to 60%. In contrast, SO4, H+, and Ca fluxes decreased by 30 to 60%. The changes of the element fluxes correspond to the development of emission rates in Germany for dust, SO2, and NO2.
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