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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Soil Ecology - Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff

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Kalbitz, K; Rupp, H; Meissner, R; Braumann, F: Folgewirkungen der Renaturierung eines Niedermoores auf die Stickstoff-, Phosphor- und Kohlenstoffgehalte im Boden- und Grundwasser, Z. Kulturtechnik und Landentwicklung, 40, 22-28 (1999)
Summary: We investigated the effects of changes in land use and an increase in the water table on nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon in soil solution and groundwater at six differently used sites in the fen area "Droemling". Changes in land use from intensive crop production to unimproved pasture reduce nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from soil into groundwater. Increasing groundwater tables decreased mineral nitrogen content of the topsoil, however peat decomposition continued due to deep water tables in summer. These deep summer water tables caused high mineralization peaks followed by temporarily high nitrate contents in groundwater at sites with an existent peat layer. Higher water tables increased phosphorus and carbon contents in the groundwater due to a decreased redox potential, which increased phosphorus solubility, and intensified leaching of dissolved organic matter from the peat.
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