Activity 1.2: Quality control and improvement of eddy flux data
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Activity 'Quality control and improvement of eddy flux data'
Responsible: Mark Aubinet

Task 1.2.1 Footprint and quality assessment of main flux sites:
Each of the Main Sites of the cluster flux network will be evaluated by means of quality checks on eddy covariance data as well as for the representativeness of the fluxes of the respective footprints. To this purpose each Main Site footprint will be evaluated on the basis of a georeferenced land use/cover digital map. This information will be provided to the flux database as additional information for modellers as well for further flux corrections and error analysis.
Responsible for this task: Thomas Foken and Mathias Göckede, University of Bayreuth

Task 1.2.2 Improvement of quality control procedures on eddy covariance data:
New methodological components (planar fit rotation, ogive-test) as well as suitable quality control procedures will be developed. An high quality sensor set-up and associated methodical issues will be developed to investigate the energy balance closure as a control method for eddy covariance measurements. The Waldstein-Weidenbrunnen site of the University of Bayreuth will be used as a data quality test station.
Responsible for this task: Thomas Foken and Matthias Mauder, University of Bayreuth

Task 1.2.3 First analysis of nocturnal fluxes and associated problems due to complex topographies:
Accurate measurements of CO2 fluxes during night conditions will be performed. To this end, a mobile advection and storage measurement system will be set up. In this first phase it will be installed during short campaigns (2-3 months) at 2 sites already equipped with eddy covariance systems and characterised by different topographies. The aims of the comparison is to define the topographic and the meteorological conditions under which night advection and storage are important. This will allow the evaluation of the classical u* correction currently used during night periods and the proposition of a more precise method.
Responsible for this task: Mark Aubinet, Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux

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