Department of Animal Ecology
PD Dr. Bernhard Stadler
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Welcome to the Department of Animal Ecology/BITÖK

Our principal aim is to understand the role of phytophagous insects in forest ecosystems. Therefore, we study biotic interactions between insects and epiphytic microorganisms on the surfaces of needles and leaves, as well as their effects on fluxes of energy and matter from the canopies of trees to the forest floor. A further topic of our studies are the mutualistic relationships between ants and honeydew producing insects. We aim to integrate evolutionary and biogeochemical aspects in our studies and develop a process oriented approach based on optimization priziples to study individuals, populations and ecosystems.

Dr. Bernhard Stadler
University of Bayreuth

BITÖK/Animal Ecology
D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany

Phone: 0921/ 55-5622
Fax: 0921/ 55-5799

New on this site
2006-06-12Publication: Timing of dispersal: effects of ants on aphids
2005-11-19Publication: The ecology of energy and nutrient fluxes in hemlock forests invaded by Hemlock ...
2005-07-28Publication: Mutualisms: ants and their insect partners
2005-03-10Teaching course: Course in Entomology
2005-03-10Teaching course: Tierökologisches Praktikum
2005-02-07Publication: Aphid polymorphism and fitness
2005-02-07Publication: Defense reaction in aphids: The influence of state and future reproductive succe ...
2005-02-07Publication: Effects of altitude on aphid-mediated processes in the canopy of Norway spruce
2005-02-07Publication: Importance of canopy herbivores to dissolved and particulate organic matter flux ...
2005-01-20Publication: Ant-mediated effects on spruce litter decomposition, solution chemistry, and mic ...
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