New findings on the geomorphic evolution of the Red Main River valley in Northern Bavaria, Germany

Klaus-Martin Moldenhauer1
1 Geomorphology, Bayreuth University

P 16 in Open Poster Session

The Red Main River is one of the two headwaters of the river Main in northern Bavaria. Its drainage basin is unique in that relief is strongly controlled by tectonics (Bruchschollenzone). This geological framework affects not only river drainage courses but also the morphology of the river valleys. Although the Rote Main has been an object of scientific investigation repeatedly (eg. Körber 1962, Emmert 1977, Kleber 1989), reliable information on the timing and controlling factors of its morphological evolution is still lacking.

Supported by first OSL-datings of river terraces and comprehensive GIS-supported lithologic and morphostratigraphic analyses a more detailed evolution model can be drawn for the first time. It provides the presumption that the development of the present river course and the morphology of the river valley is mainly controlled by tectonics and river deflections and therefore not the result of climatic shifts during the Quarternary (cf. Kolb et al. 2016).


EMMERT, U. (1977): Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, Bl. 6035 Bayreuth. Bayer. Geol. L.A., München.

KLEBER, A. (1989): Junge Tektonik im oberen Rotmain-Tal. Bayreuther Geowiss. Arb. 14, S. 185-190.

KÖRBER, H. (1962): Die Entwicklung des Maintales. Würzburger Geogr. Arb. 10.

KOLB, T., Fuchs, M., Zöller, L. (2016): Deciphering fluvial landscape evolution by luminescence dating of river terrace formation: a case study from Northern Bavaria, Germany. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Vol. 60, Suppl. 1, 029–048.



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