Course: Presentation Skills

Presentation skills are a key factor in science and other areas to convey your ideas and to make new contacts.  The BayCEER Workshop is a good opportunity to present your work to an interdisciplinary audience.

This course is for PhD and master students presenting an oral or poster contribution at the BayCEER Workshop. Take the chance to get feedback on your presentation!

Course Schedule (preliminary)

a week before BayCEER Workshop
Friday, October 23


S21 (GEO1), Campus

We learn about and discuss principles of a good presentation of your work in posters and talks. We work on the formulation of your main message, question, and a "common ground".

Monday, October 26

S21 (GEO1), Campus
We discuss your (draft) posters, lightning talks and presentation slides as well as the criteria for judging presentations.

Poster authors: Please bring a printout of your poster (A3 or bigger) and your lightning talk slide.
Talk authors: Please bring your presentation slides.

Thursday, October 29 BayCEER Workshop Day


Dr.-Hans-Frisch-Str. 1-3

The group is part of the jury for the best poster awards announced for PhD/master students. Feedback on presentations of the course participants is collected during the workshop.

Target Group and Registration

This course takes place based on a minimum of 8 participants. It is open to master and PhD students. Participation is particularly encouraged if you give your first oral/poster presentation to an interdisciplinary audience. You may also participate if you want specific feedback on your presentation skills.

Please check the appropriate box in the online registration for the BayCEER Workshop if you want to participate.

Contact:  Julienne Schweiger and Kerstin Hockmann

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