Thursday, 13.10.2022

TimeH 36

Registration Start (Foyer NW III)


 Workshop Opening & Welcome Message
Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, BayCEER Director


"BayCEER Early Career Research Recognition - Excellent Doctoral Research"

Chair: Stefan Peiffer

D 1.1: Sebastian Steibl: Biodiversity, ecology, and human land use on atolls
10:05D 1.2: Saskia Klink: Tracing soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal systems
10:25O 1.3: Stefan Peiffer: Big money meets geoengineering - the challenges for environmental and ecological research

 Poster presentation in "Lightning Talks"


Morning Poster Session


"Morning Session"

Chair: Tillmann Lüders

O 2.1: Efstathios Diamantopoulos et al.: Modeling the environmental fate of the natural toxin ptaquiloside: production, release and leaching to groundwater
11:45O 2.2: Emeka Emecheta: Adsorption and Desorption of Persistent Organic Pollutants to and from Micro- and Nanoplastics (MNPs): Implications for human exposure to MNPs.
12:00O 2.3: Peter Stimmler: aRctic: Generating elemental maps of the Arctic using the R Markdown function
12:15O 2.4: Nicolas Tyborski et al.: Selection of the bacterial microbiome at the soil-root interface compared among varieties of Zea mays L.



"Afternoon Session"

Chair: Steven Higgins

O 3.1: Frank Weiser et al.: Impact of volcanic sulfur and ash emission on the flora of La Palma, Spain
14:15O 3.2: Anna Walentowitz et al.: Paleoecological trajectories of non-native vegetation on islands
14:30O 3.3: Veronika Mitterwallner et al.: Human-wildlife interactions: The potential of AI and camera trapping
14:45O 3.4: Ridwan Adeyemi Shittu et al.: Composition of mosquito species in a Mediterranean wetland: modeling the effects of species interactions and environmental parameters
15:00O 3.5: Nadine Arzt et al.: Competition between honey bees and wild bees - a global literature review

Afternoon Poster Coffee



Come together & BayCEER Awards Session
(Foyer NW III)

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