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Atmospheric Chemistry of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds

Aromatics are a major contributor to the formation of regional ozone in urbanized areas. Toluene, for example, is ranked fourth of all volatile organic compounds in terms of overall contribution to ozone production in northern Europe, behind butane, ethane and ethanol, based on a recent trajectory model calculation by Derwent et al. (2003). The calculations also demonstrate that episodic peak ozone concentrations are decreasing in Europe, primarily because of motor vehicle emission controls brought in during the 1990s. However, there is a clear and continuing increase in background ozone concentration that derives from anthropogenic effects on hemispheric atmospheric chemistry.

Abgeschlossene Projekte (mit Hauptschwerpunkt auf diesem Forschungsfeld)

BMU 90567435Aufbau der Forschungsstelle für Atmosphärische Chemie/Methoden zum Chemikalienabbau in der Atmosphäre durch OH-Radikale
Rainald Koch, Cornelius Zetzsch
DAADPhotochemisches Verhalten von Vinylethern
Laura Ines Nieto, Cornelius Zetzsch
DFG ZE792/6-1Novel Approaches in the Understanding of Aromatic Compound Degradation in the Atmosphere: From Theoretical Studies to Simulation Chamber Experiments (ATMOCHEM)
Paulo Alarcon, Cornelius Zetzsch
EU (EVK2-CT-2001-00114)Mehrphasen-Chemie sauerstoffhaltiger organischer Chemikalien in der Troposphäre
Cornelius Zetzsch

Letzte Änderung 09.06.2009