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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Martin Obst: Projects

  • Behaviour and transport of microplastic in Lakes (SFB 1357 B02)
    Ben Gilfedder, Martin Obst, Jan Fleckenstein [Details]

  • Influence of microbial diversity and biofilm formation on degradation mechanisms of microplastic particles in the environment (Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics: C04)
    Gerasimos Gkoutselis, Gerhard Rambold, Marcus A. Horn, Martin Obst [Details]

  • SFB 1357 TPB02: Verhalten und Transport von Mikroplastik in der strömungsarmen Wassersäule (SFB1357 B02)
    Hassan Elagami, Ben Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein, Martin Obst, Sven Frei [Details]

Projects from other divisions

Completed Projects

  • Biogeochemistry on the micro scale (OB 362/4-1)
    The project focuses on the influence of (sub-) microscale structural and chemical heterogeneities on biogeochemical processes, in particular on the coupling of redox-cycles (Fe, Mn, S, C) that would not be expected from the bulk chemical conditions, and on its influence on nutrient and contaminant cycling. [Details]

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