Linking nutrient cycles, land use and biodiversity along an elevation gradient on Mt. Kilimanjaro (DFG KU 1184/20 FOR 1246) Guido L.B. Wiesenberg, Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
Completed Projects
Position-specific transformation of low molecular weight organic substances in soil (DFG KU 1184/19) Michaela Dippold, Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
Land management, erosion, and sediment transport in a mountainous landscape (TERRECO WP 2-07) Sebastian Arnhold, Elisabeth Stöckler, Bruno Glaser, Bernd Huwe, Yong Sik Ok
Processes of litter and soil organic matter transformation during extreme drying/wetting as assessed by compound-specific isotope approaches (DFG GL 327/11-1 FOR 562) Steffen Heinrich, Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
FORKAST TP 6 - Nährstoffkonkurrenz (FORKAST) Marco T. Lara Jiménez, Bruno Glaser
Bodengeographische Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion der quart-ären Landschafts- und Klimaentwicklung im Pamir (DFG ZE 154/63-1) Ines Röhringer, Julian Wiesinger, Diana Henniger, Wolfgang Zech, Bruno Glaser, Ludwig Zöller
Processes of litter and soil organic matter transformation during extreme drying/wetting as assessed by compound-specific isotope approaches (DFG GL 327/11-1; FOR 562) Steffen Heinrich, Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
KMU innovativ - Verbundvorhaben Klimaschutz: CO2-Sequestrierung durch Einsatz von Biomasse in einem PYREG-Reaktor mit Dampfschraubenmotor (BMBF 01LY0909F) Daniel Fischer, Hardy Schulz, Ananda Erben, Georg Lemmer, Bruno Glaser
L’archéologie et l’archéobotanique des complexes de champs suréle-vés dans les savanes littorales de la Guyane et sur l’écologie des écosystèmes créés par ces anciens remaniements du paysage (Programme Amazonie du CNRS Guyane) Jago Birk, Alexander Hänel, Martin Hitziger, Bruno Glaser
Spatiotemporal dynamics of shallow landslides and their biotic and abiotic controls - an integrating synthesis including soil landscape modeling for determination and regionalisation of soil functional groups as well as forest modeling (DFG FOR 816 - HU 636/13-1) Mareike Ließ, Bruno Glaser, Bernd Huwe
Molecular level soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics under silvi-cultural management (DFG GL 327/10-1) Marianne Benesch, Jan Pfister, Bruno Glaser, Wolfgang Zech
Assessing turnover rates of soil organic matter by means of compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios (d13C) (DFG GL 327/4-3,4) Jago Birk, Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser
Climate and Landscape reconstruction in SE Europe (Pannonian Basin and Black Sea Region): A multiproxy study of loess paleosol sequences. (DFG GL 327/8-2,3) Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ludwig Zöller
Reconstruction of ancient use of Terra Preta using molecular markers and compound-specific stable isotope ratios (d13C) (DFG GL 327/5-1,2) Jago Birk, Alexander Hänel, Bruno Glaser
Dynamic of soil organic matter und element fluxes (DFG FOR 562 TP 4: (2005-2008)) Kerstin Schulze, Uwe Hell, Bruno Glaser, Andrea Schmitt, Werner Borken, Egbert Matzner
Projects from other divisions
Reconstruction of ancient use of Terra Preta using molecular markers and compound-specific stable isotope ratios (d13C) (DFG GL 327/5-3) Jago Birk, Bruno Glaser
Nutrient competition (N, C) between plants and microorganisms in resource-limited grassland ecosystems under extreme weather events (FORKAST_06) Marco T. Lara Jiménez, Bruno Glaser, Bernd Huwe
Completed Projects
Rekonstruktion der Terra Preta-Genese mittels molekularer Biomarker und ihrer substanzspezifischen Stabilisotopenverhältnisse (d15N) (DFG GL 327/5-3) Jago Birk, Michaela Dippold, Bruno Glaser
Controls on ecosystem water use and carbon gain at Mt. Kilimanjaro – differentiation along climate gradients and with land use from the savanna to the alpine zone (KiLi SP 2) John Tenhunen, Bernd Huwe, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Bruno Glaser, John Collins Onyango
Linking nutrient cycles, land use and biodiversity along an altitudinal gradient at Mt. Kilimanjaro (KiLi SP 3) Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Ralf Kiese, Yakov Kuzyakov, Salim M. S. Maliondo, Guido L.B. Wiesenberg, Bruno Glaser
Processes of soil organic matter transformation during extreme drying/wetting assessed by compound-specific isotope approaches (DFG FOR 562 TP 7: (2008-2011)) Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
Pyrolytic Char-Production, Development and Characterization for its Use as Soil Amendmen (BaCaTec) Bruno Glaser, Bruno Glaser
L’archéologie et l’archéobotanique des complexes de champs suréle-vés dans les savanes littorales de la Guyane et sur l’écologie des écosystèmes créés par ces anciens remaniements du paysage (Programme Amazonie du CNRS Guyane) Jago Birk, Bruno Glaser