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Michael Radke: Publications

-- 2013 --
Riml, J; Wörman, A; Kunkel, U; Radke, M: Evaluating the fate of six common pharmaceuticals using a reactive transport model: insights from a stream tracer test, The Science of the Total Environment, 458-460, 344-354 (2013), doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.03.077 -- Details
Thüns, S; Blodau, C; Radke, M: How suitable are peat cores to study historical deposition of PAHs?, The Science of the Total Environment, 450-451, 271-279 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.01.091

-- 2012 --
Kunkel, U; Radke, M: Fate of pharmaceuticals in rivers: deriving a benchmark dataset at favorable attenuation conditions, Water Research, 46(17), 5551–5565 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2012.07.033 [Link]
Barthel, P; Thüns, S; Shunthirasingham, C; Westgate, JN; Wania, F; Radke, M: Application of XAD-resin based passive air samplers to assess local (roadside) and regional patterns of persistent organic pollutants, Environmental Pollution, 166, 218-225 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2012.03.026
Dreyer, A; Thüns, S; Kirchgeorg, T; Radke, M: Ombrotrophic peat bogs as natural archives to investigate the historical atmospheric deposition of perfluorinated compounds, Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 7512-7519 (2012), doi:10.1021/es204175y

-- 2011 --
Kunkel, U; Radke, M: A reactive tracer test to evaluate the fate of pharmaceuticals in rivers, Environmental Science Technology, 45(15), 6296-6302 (2011) [Link]
Lewandowski, J; Putschew, A; Schwesig, D; Neumann, C; Radke, M: Fate of organic micropollutants in the hyporheic zone of a eutrophic lowland stream: results of a preliminary field study, Sci. Total Environment, 409(10), 1824-1835 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.01.028 [Link]
Strauß, C; Harter, T; Radke, M: Effects of pH and manure on transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in soil, J. Environmental Quality, 40(5), 1652-1660 (2011), doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0535

-- 2010 --
Einsiedl, F; Radke, M; Maloszewski, P: Occurrence and transport of pharmaceuticals in a karst groundwater system affected by domestic wastewater treatment plants, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 117(1-4), 26-36 (2010), doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2010.05.008
Gutierrez, IR; Watanabe, N; Harter, T; Glaser, B; Radke, M: Effect of sulfonamide antibiotics on microbial diversity and activity in a Californian Mollic Haploxeralf, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10(3), 537-544 (2010), doi:10.1007/s11368-009-0168-8 [Link]
Radke, M; Ulrich, H; Wurm, C; Kunkel, U: Dynamics and attenuation of acidic pharmaceuticals along a river stretch, Environmental Science & Technology, 44(8), 2968–2974 (2010), doi:10.1021/es903091z

-- 2009 --
Radke, M; Lauwigi, C; Heinkele, G; Mürdter, TE; Letzel, M: Fate of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole and its two major human metabolites in a water sediment test, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(9), 3135-3141 (2009), doi:10.1021/es900300u

-- 2008 --
Fahrner, S; Radke, M; Karger, D; Blodau, C: Organic matter mineralisation in the hypolimnion of a eutrophic Maar lake, Aquatic Sciences, 70, 225-237 (2008), doi:10.1007/s00027-008-8008-2
Kunkel, U; Radke, M: Biodegradation of acidic pharmaceuticals in bed sediments: insight from a laboratory experiment, Environmental Science & Technology, 42(19), 7273-7279 (2008), doi:10.1021/es801562j [Link]

-- 2006 --
Beck, M; Radke, M: Determination of sterols, estrogens and inorganic ions in waste water and size-segregated aerosol particles emitted from waste water treatment, Chemosphere, 64(7), 1134-1140 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.11.063 [Link]

-- 2005 --
Dreyer, A; Blodau, C; Turunen, J; Radke, M: The spatial distribution of PAH depositions to peatlands of Eastern Canada, Atmospheric Environment, 39(20), 3725-3733 (2005), doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.03.009
Dreyer, A; Radke, M: Evaluation and optimisation of extraction and clean-up methods for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in peat samples, International Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, 85(7), 423-432 (2005) [Link]
Dreyer, A; Radke, M; Turunen, J; Blodau, C: Long-term change of PAH deposition to peatlands of Eastern Canada, Environmental Science Technology, 39(11), 3918-3924 (2005), doi:10.1021/es0481880
Radke, M: Sterols and anionic surfactants in urban aerosol: emissions from waste water treatment plants in relation to background concentrations, Environmental Science Technology, 39(12), 4391-4397 (2005), doi:10.1021/es048084p [Link]

-- 2004 --
Radke, M: Aerosolgebundene Emission organischer Umweltchemikalien aus druckbelüfteten Abwasserbehandlungsbecken. Kurzfassung der Dissertation., gwf Wasser-Abwasser, 7-8, 475-476 (2004)
Radke, M: Aerosolgebundene Emission organischer Umweltchemikalien aus in Bayreuther Institut für Terrestrische Ökosystemforschung (BITÖK): Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Selbstverlag, 103, 145 (2004) -- Details

-- 2003 --
Radke, M; Herrmann, R: Aerosol-bound emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and sterols from aeration tanks of a municipal waste water treatment plant, Environmental Science and Technology, 37(10), 2109 - 2113 (2003), doi:10.1021/es025926g [Link]

-- 2001 --
Radke, M; Herrmann, R: Hydrophobic organic compounds in aerosol particles emitted from aerobic sewage treatment tanks, J. Aerosol Sciences, 32(S1), 1061-1062 (2001)

-- 1999 --
Radke, M; Behrends, T; Förster, J; Herrmann, R: Analysis of cationic surfactants by Microbore High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Electrospray Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 71, 5362-5366 (1999), doi:10.1021/ac990453q
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