Susanta Paikaray: Publications

Paikaray, S; Schröder, C; Peiffer, S: Schwertmannite stability in anoxic Fe(II)-rich aqueous solution, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 217, 292-305 (2017), doi: [Link] -- Details
Paikaray, S; Göttlicher, J; Essilfie-Dughan, J; Pollok, K; Peiffer, S: Redox Stability of As(III) on Schwertmannite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 265, 208-216 (2014), doi:
paikaray, S; Peiffer, S: As(III) retention kinetics, equilibrium and redox stability on schwertmannite and its fate and control on schwertmannite stability during long term exposure in acidic environment, Chemosphere, 86, 557-564 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.07.055
Paikaray, S; Peiffer, S: Biotic and Abiotic Schwertmannites as Scavengers for As(III): Mechanisms and Effects, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223, 2933-2942 (2012)
Paikaray, S; Peiffer, S: Abiotic schwertmannite transformation kinetics and the role of sorbed As(III), Applied Geochemistry, 27(3), 590-597 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.12.013
Paikaray, S; Göttlicher, J; Peiffer, S: Removal of As(III) from acidic waters using schwertmannite: Surface speciation and effect of synthesis pathway, Chemical Geology, 283, 134-142 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.08.011 [Link]
Paikaray, S; Peiffer, S: Dissolution Kinetics of Sulfate from Schwertmannite under Variable pH Conditions, Mine Water and the Environment, 29(4), 263-269 (2010)
Paikaray, S; Peiffer, S: Sorption and surface oxidation of As(III) by Fe-oxyhydroxysulfates in acidic medium in J.Bundschuh & Bhattacharya: Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases, CRC Press, 414-415 (2010)
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Arsenic biogeochemistry from paddy soil to rice grain
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