Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



Yong Sik Ok: Publikationen

Referierte Zeitschriften

Arnhold, S; Lindner, S; Lee, B; Martin, E; Kettering, J; Nguyen, T; Koellner, T; Ok, YS; Huwe, B: Conventional and organic farming: Soil erosion and conservation potential for row crop cultivation, Geoderma, 219-220, 89-105 (2014) [Link]
Shope, CL; Maharjan, GR; Tenhunen, J; Seo, B; Kim, K; Riley, J; Arnhold, S; Koellner, T; Ok, YS; Peiffer, S; Kim, B; Park, J-H; Huwe, B: Using the SWAT model to improve process descriptions and define hydrologic partitioning in South Korea, Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 18, 539-557 (2014)
Shope, CL; Maharjan, G; Tenhunen, J; Seo, B; Kim, K; Riley, J; Arnhold, S; Koellner, T; Ok, YS; Peiffer, S; Kim, B; Park, J-H; Huwe, B: An interdisciplinary swat ecohydrological model to define catchment-scale hydrologic partitioning, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10, 7235-7290 (2013), doi:10.5194/hessd-10-7235-2013 -- Details
Awad, Y; Blagodatskaya, E; Ok, YS; Kuzyakov, Y: Effects of polyacrylamide, biopolymer and biochar on the decomposition of 14C-labelled maize residues and on their stabilization in soil aggregates, European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 488-499 (2013), doi:10.1111/ejss.12034 -- Details
Kettering, J; Ruidisch, M; Gaviria, C; Ok, YS; Kuzyakov, Y: Fate of fertilizer 15N in intensive ridge cultivation with plastic mulching under a monsoon climate, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 95, 57-72 (2013), doi:10.1007/s10705-012-9548-3
Shope, CL; Bartsch, S; Kim, K; Kim, B; Tenhunen, JD; Peiffer, S; Park, J-H; Ok, YS; Fleckenstein, JH; Koellner, T: A weighted, multi-method approach for accurate basin-wide streamflow estimation in an ungauged watershed, Journal of Hydrology, 494, 72-82 (2013) [Link] -- Details

Sonstige Publikationen

Awad, YM; Pausch, J; Ok, YS; Kuzyakov, Y: Interactive effects of biochar and polyacrylamide on decomposition of maize rhizodeposits: implications from 14C labeling and microbial metabolic quotient, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 621-631 (2017)
Awad, Y; Blagodatskaya, E; Ok, YS; Kuzyakov, Y: Effects of polyacrylamide, biopolymer, and biochar on decomposition of soil organic matter and plant residues as determined by 14C and enzyme activities, European Journal of Soil Biology, 48, 1-10 (2012) [Link] -- Details