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Marco Reiche: Vorträge, Poster...


Microbial Iron Cycling at the Oxic-Anoxic Interface in an Acidic FenReiche, M*; Lüdecke, C; Küsel, K12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - ISME 12, Cairns, Australia: 17.08.2008 - 22.08.2008
Impact of experimental drainage and rewetting on biogeochemical processes in a northern fenBlodau, C*; Lischeid, G; Knorr, KH; Reiche, M; Küsel, K; Goldberg, S; Muhr, J; Hentschel, K; Borken, W; Gebauer, G; Weyer, C; Hamberger, A; Horn, M; Drake, HL; Peiffer, S; Matzner, EInternational Symposium Soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 25.02.2007 - 28.02.2007
Methanbildung und Reduktion von Eisen(III) in einem schwach sauren Niedermoor Reiche, M*; Küsel, KWorkshop: Stoffumsatzprozesse in Mooren und ihr Einfluss auf angrenzende Gewässer, IGB, Berlin: 19.04.2006 - 20.04.2006


Stimulation of microbial reduction of Fe(III) in a methane-emitting, slightly acidic fen after a drying and rewetting cycleReiche, M*; Küsel, KInternational Symposium Soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 25.02.2007 - 28.02.2007
Exoenzymatic Activities during a Drought and Rewetting Experiment in a Slightly Acidic FenSieler, A; Reiche, M*; Küsel, KInternational Symposium Soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 25.02.2007 - 28.02.2007
Sampling Design for Microbial and Geochemical Parameters in an Acidic Fen during a Drying and Rewetting CycleReiche, M*; Küsel, KInternational Symposium Soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions, Bayreuth: 25.02.2007 - 28.02.2007
Microbial Reduction of Iron(III) in a Methane-emitting Acidic Fen (updated) Reiche, M*; Küsel, KJahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Dresden: 25.09.2006 - 29.09.2006
Microbial Reduction of Iron(III) in a Methane-emitting Acidic FenReiche, M*; Küsel, KVAAM-Tagung, Jena: 19.03.2006 - 22.03.2006

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