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Dennis Ochuodho Otieno: Publications

Muhr, J; Höhle, J; Otieno, DO; Borken, W: Manipulative lowering of the water table during summer does not affect CO2 emissions and uptake in a minerotrophic fen in South-eastern Germany, Ecological Applications, 21, 391-401 (2011), doi:10.1890/09-1251.1 -- Details
Otieno, DO; Wartinger, M; Nishiwaki, A; Hussain, MZ; Muhr, J; Borken, W; Lischeid, G: Responses of CO2 exchange and primary production of the ecosystem components to environmental changes in a mountain peatland, Ecosystems, 12, 590-603 (2009), doi:10.1007/s10021-009-9245-5 -- Details