Uni-Bayreuth grafik-uni-bayreuth



John Tenhunen: Publikationen

Ludwig, R; Mauser, W; Niemeyer, S; Colgan, A; Stolz, R; Escher-Vetter, H; Kuhn, M; Reichstein, M; Tenhunen, J; Kraus, A; Ludwig, M; Barth, M; Hennicker, R: Web-based modelling of energy, water and matter fluxes to support decision making in mesoscale catchments--the integrative perspective of GLOWA-Danube, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C Design and application of decision-support systems for integrated water management: lessons to be learned, 28(14-15), 621-634 (2003) [Link]
Reichstein, M; Tenhunen, JD; Roupsard, O; Ourcival, J-M; Rambal, S; Dore, S; Valentini, R: Ecosystem respiration in two Mediterranean evergreen Holm Oak forests: drought effects and decomposition dynamics doi:10.1046/j.0269-8463.2001.00597.x, Functional Ecology, 16(1), 27-39 (2002) [Link]
Hutjes, RWA; Kabat, P; Running, SW; Shuttleworth, WJ; Field, C; Bass, B; Dias, M; Avissar, R; Becker, A; Claussen, M; Dolman, AJ; Feddes, RA; Fosberg, M; Fukushima, Y; Gash, JHC; Guenni, L; Hoff, H; Jarvis, PG; Kayane, I; Krenke, AN; Liu, C; Meybeck, M; Nobre, CA; Oyebande, L; Pitman, A; Pielke, RA; Raupach, M; Saugier, B; Schulze, ED; Sellers, PJ; Tenhunen, JD; Valentini, R; Victoria, RL; Vorosmarty, CJ: Biospheric aspects of the hydrological cycle - Preface, Journal of Hydrology, 213(1-4), 1-21 (1998) [Link]