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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Exercise course: Project Management and Scientific Coordination (74060)

WS 2015/2016
Date for first meeting will found within group of interested students.

Birgit Thies

Life is full of projects!

This holds for academia as well as the „working world“. In the course, we discuss the different nature of projects and take care for one of them during the winter semester (teamwork). You can choose projects from my list of suggestions – or bring your own idea!

At the end, we look at what you have accomplished – and, even more important, how you did it.

More information in the announcement!

Supporting documents for the teaching course

date comment type size in MB
26. 08. 2015 Announcement Project Management WS2015-16 0.148

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