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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Please also see the FAQs regarding the application.


Do I need German language proficiency to take the courses of this Program?

All courses are taught in English. However, proof of knowledge of German language at least level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for international applicants is required latest by the end of the second semester. The Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) offers German courses to the students. 

How much are the tuition fees per semester?

Since 2013 the University of Bayreuth charges no tuition fees. Only a student fee for each term must be paid. For more information, please check the current semester fees . 

What is the Elite Network of Bavaria?

The Elite Network of Bavaria is an initiative of the Bavarian State to support young academic talents and consists of the following support programs: Elite Graduate Programs, the Max Weber-Program of Bavaria, International Doctorate Programs, Research Scholarships and International Junior Research Groups. The Elite Network of Bavaria is designed for exceptionally self-motivated and talented undergraduate and doctoral students.

Our elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria, but regrettably, only funded for teaching, not for the support of students through individual grants and scholarships.

The elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) combines the expertise of the Universities of Bayreuth and Augsburg, with that of Bavarian and international research institutions, as well as economic, administrative and international organizations. 

For more information: https://www.elitenetzwerk.bayern.de/en/home 

Will my academic background suit the requisites of this study program?

The courses in the elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) require a high level of performance. Students are selected via a standardized aptitude assessment procedure (see regulations for more details) that meets the highest international criteria.

Bachelor degrees related to all fields of environmental science will provide for acceptance to the program, for example: biology, hydrology, meteorology, environmental physics, environmental informatics, geoecology, landscape ecology, geography, science of forestry or agricultural science or an equivalent degree. Also related bachelor degrees in social sciences will be accepted if the person is motivated towards topics of global change which could be expressed in the motivation letter. 

What opportunities for future career do the students have?

Studying in the elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) relies not only in course modules, but also offers the opportunity to gain practical experience via internships. Internships are possible within four main areas including economy, research, administration and international organizations. In this way, students can build up a scientific and professional network already during their studies.

Science schools aim at integrating students in current developments in the rapidly changing scientific field of global change research. Intensive external and internal courses allow for students to make direct contact with other lecturers and practitioners and peers from other study programs and universities.

Our elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) has its own alumni organization “Friends of Global Change Ecology” initiated by former students to enhance the networking between students and alumni of all cohorts. 

Are there scholarships opportunities?

Regrettably the elite study program Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) is only funded for teaching, not for the support of students through individual grants and scholarships.

As an international student, you have the opportunity to apply for a study grant at the International Office of the University of Bayreuth. The application deadline for winter term is 31 August, and for summer term 28 February. Grants can be awarded for up to two semesters. For further information, see Scholarships International Office. Unfortunately, first-semester students cannot be funded, i.e. applications cannot be submitted until the 2nd semester of study for funding starting in the 3rd semester of study. The admission is depending on the applicant’s study performance. 

Where is the University of Bayreuth located?

The University of Bayreuth is located in the city of Bayreuth, in the State of Bavaria, Germany. 

Follow one of our GCE alumni for a tour on the campus of the University of Bayreuth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC1XoQVTHgI .

Get an impression of the city of Bayreuth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXPm8nei71E

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