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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Lecture: Disturbance Ecology (B3a) (74023)

WS 2024/2025
Mo.: 10:00-12:00, H 6 (GEO I)

Anke Jentsch


also for BSc-Geoöko: M13/ WV1 and BSc-Geogra: M B21

Starting date:  14 October 2024

Premeeting for all Disturbance Ecology Courses on ... at ... in H6 (GEO). This also includes all information on the La Palma Science School. Please attend the meeting if you are interested to join this science school.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this module, students will comprehend how ecosystems in all biomes are affected by natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes, which create their own dynamics and spatio-temporal phenomena. This knowledge will enable participants to understand effects of disturbances and extreme events on biodiversity and ecosystem functions, regeneration dynamics, and mechanisms of stability such as functional resilience. The learning outcome of the seminar is to reach an overview over recent scientific literature covering disturbance ecology and puls dynamics increasingly interacting with climate change and land-use change. This understanding will enable students to evaluate system behavior, to contribute to developing adaptation strategies and to tackle current research frontiers in disturbance ecology. At the conclusion of this module, students will comprehend how ecosystems in all biomes are affected by natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes, which create their own dynamics and spatio-temporal phenomena. This knowledge will enable participants to understand effects of disturbances and extreme events on biodiversity and ecosystem functions, regeneration dynamics, and mechanisms of stability such as functional resilience. The learning outcome of the seminar is to reach an overview over recent scientific literature covering disturbance ecology and puls dynamics increasingly interacting with climate change and land-use change. This understanding will enable students to evaluate system behavior, to contribute to developing adaptation strategies and to tackle current research frontiers in disturbance ecology.

Course Content: Theory, methodology and application of disturbance ecology and pulse dynamics as well as the relationship between disturbance, vegetation dynamics and ecosystem functions are taught in the lecture “Disturbance Ecology”. Current research frontiers in disturbance ecology, resilience and sustainability science are presented and discussed in the seminar “Resilience”. The significance of understanding disturbance ecology for ecosystem restoration and sustainable land-use planning is also addressed. Temporal variability of ecosystems, their rhythms and recurrent events are discussed with respect to future global changes to assess the dynamics of ecological systems.

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