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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology

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Vroni Retzer: Curriculum Vitae


since 4/2005: Research Associate; University of Bayreuth, Department of Biogeography research, supervision, and teaching.

since 4/2005: vice women's representative of faculty 2, Biology-Chemistry-GeoSciences

Further qualifications

2004: Editing of the conference proceedings of the symposium on "Ecosystem research in the arid environments of Central Asia: Results, challenges and perspectives, 23-25/6/2004 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia", in the series: Biologische Ressourcen der Mongolei, Volume 9.

2000 - 2003: start of PhD thesis on grazing ecology and carrying capacity of mountain steppes in the Gobi-Altai of southern Mongolia, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. Adviser: Prof. Dr. Georg Miehe.

2000: Coordination of the European Research Projects on the carbon balance in Europe CarboEUROPE and FORCASTat the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena.

1997 & 1998: practical training at "Boden und Standort" bureau - studies on the restoration of vegetation on areas prone to erosion on the military training site Grafenwöhr, Bavaria

Academic vita

2003: PhD in Geography, Philipps-Universität Marburg with the thesis on: Carrying capacity and forage competition between livestock and a small mammal, the Mongolian Pika (Ochotona pallasi), in a non-equilibrium ecosystem, South-Gobi, Mongolia (magna cum laude).

1999: Diploma in geoecology, Universität Bayreuth

1993 - 1999: study of geoecology, Universität Bayreuth, main subjects: biogeography-agroecology. Title of the diploma thesis: Charakterisierung und Vergleich der Vegetationsdiversität zweier Kulturlandschaften

Scholarship and awards

2000: IALE-D Students Award for the best landscape ecological Diplomathesis in 1999.

1996 - 1999: scholarship of the German National Merit Foundation Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

vocational training

3/2007: "Using your voice in the lecture hall" and "How to organize good exams" (FBZHL).

3/2006: Qualification week for university didactics at the Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre (training center for university didactics) of the universities Bamberg, Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nürnberg and Würzburg: basics of university didactics, time- and selfmanagement, teaching evaluation, presentation & motivating teaching concepts.

4/2005 - 4/2006: Participation at the mentoring programme Mentorinnen-Netzwerk for women in natural sciences and technology.

1/2005-5/2005: Vocational training in communication, conflict management, team leading, and project management within the Projekt KommOnline supported by the EU and others.

Experience in foreign countries

7/2000 - 10/2001: Continuous fieldwork for the dissertation in the South Gobi, Mongolia.

12.2.-6.3.2003: Teaching of the modul "range ecology" within the "field course in high alpine ecology", in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. The course was a joint project of the Philipps-Universität Marburg and the biological faculty at the University of Addis Ababa, held by lecturers and open to students of both universities.

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