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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Ecological Microbiology - Prof. Tillmann Lueders

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Sindy Hunger: Publications

Meier, A; Hunger, S; Drake, H: Differential engagement of fermentative taxa in gut contents of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2017) -- Details
Hunger, S; Drake, HL; Gößner, AS; Schmidt, O: Formate-derived H2, a driver of hydrogenotrophic processes in the root-zone of a methane-emitting fen. Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, 18 (9), 3106-3119 (2016) -- Details
Hunger, S; Gößner, AS; Drake, HL: Anaerobic Trophic Interactions of Contrasting Methane-emitting Mire Soils: Processes Versus Taxa, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Ecol. 91, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiv045 (2015) -- Details
Schulz, K; Hunger, S; Brown, GG; Tsai, SM; Cerri, CC; Conrad, R; Drake, HL: Methanogenic food web in gut contents of the methane-emitting earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae from Brazil, ISME Journal, 9, 1778-1792 (2015) -- Details
Antony, CP; Kumaresan, D; Hunger, S; Drake, HL; Murrell, JC; Shouche, YS: Microbiology of Lonar Lake and other soda lakes, ISME Journal, 7, 468-476 (2013) -- Details
Depkat-Jakob, PS; Hunger, S; Schulz, K; Brown, GG; Tsai, SM; Drake, HL: Emission of Methane by Eudrilus eugeniae and Other Earthworms from Brazil, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 3014-3019 (2012) -- Details
Hunger, S; Gößner, AS; Drake, HL: Trophic Links Between the Acetogen Clostridium glycolicum KHa and the Fermentative Anaerobe Bacteroides xylanolyticus KHb, Isolated from Hawaiian Forest Soil, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 6281-6285 (2011) -- Details
Hunger, S; Schmidt, O; Hilgarth, M; Horn, MA; Kolb, S; Conrad, R; Drake, HL: Competing formate- and carbon dioxide-utilizing prokaryotes in an anoxic methane-emitting fen soil, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 3773-3785 (2011) -- Details
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