


Corinna Rebmann: Vorträge, Poster...


Coupling of above and below-canopy flows for three towers in a spruce ecosystem site located on a hillde Mattos Zeri, LM*; Rebmann, C; Kutsch, W; Kolle, O; Foken, T; Feigenwinter, CEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna: 14.04.2008 - 18.04.2008


Turbulent conditions of high ecosystem respiration in a spruce ecosystem site located on a hill de Mattos Zeri, LM*; Rebmann, C; Kutsch, W; Kolle, O; Foken, T; Belcher, S; Schulze, EDOpen Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Sissi-Lassithi, Crete: 14.11.2006 - 20.11.2006
Carbon Budget of a Spruce Forest Ecosystem, The Weidenbrunnen Site at 775 m a.s.l, 1997–2003Foken, T*; Anthoni, P; Göckede, M; Lüers, J; Rebmann, C; Ruppert, J; Thomas, C; Wichura, B The FLUXNET 2004 Open Workshop, Florence : 13.12.2004 - 15.12.2004

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