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Disturbance Ecology

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2nd TERRABITES Symposium

Mo. 2012-02-06-We. 2012-02-08, Frascati, Italien


Climate cannot be understood without the biosphere. Accordingly, different groups around the world have started to develop their climate models into Earth system models, that on top of climate physics also include representations of ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles. This development is supported by parallel advancements in other disciplines. During the last decade the remote sensing community has developed highly refined techniques for monitoring of ecosystem conditions and trends at very high spatial and temporal resolution. Meanwhile, the ecological community has started to assemble huge data sets of plant traits to develop a unified picture of the functioning of the terrestrial biosphere. In addition, different research groups have established large manipulation experiments to investigate biospheric changes following global warming and the increase in atmospheric CO2. These developments call for a new level of integration between modelers, developers of ecological theory and data gathering communities.


The 2nd TERRABITES symposium is part of a sequence of bi-annual conferences. The symposium aims at:

  • providing a comprehensive overview on the current research on the terrestrial biosphere in an Earth System context,
  • identifying knowledge gaps, and
  • showing perspectives for future research in the field.



Invited are contributions focusing on the terrestrial biosphere of the Earth System. Among other topics, this could be

  • Plant functioning from the micro to the global scale
  • Local and large scale carbon and nutrient cycling
  • Plant ecology at different spatial and temporal scales
  • All aspects of human land cover change
  • Remote sensing techniques for observation of vegetation
  • Trait data bases
  • Techniques of biosphere modeling
  • Climate manipulation experiments
  • Vegetation-atmosphere interaction

    Related networks are invited to present their initiatives to a larger audience.

    Link to the conference page.

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