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Disturbance Ecology

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Vanessa Vetter: Curriculum Vitae

Academic career

Since 2014           

PhD Student in the working group “Disturbance Ecology”, University of Bayreuth and in the research team “Plant Ecology”, University of Landau.

Working title of the PhD-Thesis: “Invasion limits of Lupinus polyphyllus (Lindl.) – Investigation of the influence of disturbance regimes, abiotic and biotic factors on its propagation in Central European mountain ranges”


Diploma Title of the thesis: Mountain Invasion Ecology – Does herbivory influence the invasiveness of two alien plant species in mountain grasslands?


Studies in Environmental Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

Mai-Sept. 2012   

Research Internship and student assisstant, University of  Bayreuth

April-Sept. 2011 

Internship at the National Park Hohe Tauern (Matrei East Tyrol)


Studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe


Abitur (high school diploma) at the St. Agnes Gymnasium, Stuttgart

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