How ozone affects the perception of plant volatiles in western honey bees

Andreas Held1, Marina Vater2, Thomas Rupp3, Stefan Dötterl3
1 Atmospheric Chemistry, Universität Bayreuth
2 Universität Bayreuth
3 University of Salzburg

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Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) play an important role in mediating plant-pollinator interactions. Reactive molecules such as ozone can modify or degrade BVOC, thus impairing the communication between plants and their pollinators. However, it is not known whether ozone may also directly affect the olfactory system of pollinators. 

In this study, the effect of increased levels of ozone on antennal responses in western honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) to linalool, 2-phenylethanol, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate were determined by electroantennography in a laboratory experiment.

Ozone decreased antennal responses to (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, a widespread green leaf volatile. In contrast, responses to linalool and 2-phenylethanol, both known to be involved in locating flowers, were not influenced by ozone.

Overall, the study does not provide evidence that pollination by honey bees is impaired by damage in the olfactory system of the bees caused by increased levels of ozone when linalool and 2-phenylethanol are the attractive signals. However, the results also suggest that ozone can change the overall perception of the specific odor blend, which might negatively impact pollination systems and other organismic interactions mediated by specific BVOC ratios.

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