1 Research highlights from BayCEER working groups

Chair: Christoph Thomas

Thursday, 09:10-09:35,

This is a "Best Of..." session!

Tell us about the highlights and new developments in your working group. You have 5 minutes time for this. BayCEER members are welcome to contribute.

09:10H 1.1: Anke Jentsch: The Bayreuth phytometer - common metrics for plant community ecology
09:15H 1.2: Alfons Weig: Analysis tools in the Keylab for Genomics & Bioinformatics
09:20H 1.3: Andrea Carminati: In (re)search of drought tolerance
09:25H 1.4: Bettina Engelbrecht: Winners and loosers: what is determining species fate under drought?
09:30H 1.5: Christoph Thomas: Illuminating the dark side of surface meteorology

 Poster presentation in "Lightning Talks"


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