Interactions between plants and microbial communities in the rhizosphere perform vital ecological soil functions such as C turnover and C sequestration, nutrient mobilization, aggregate formation, regulation of water flux. Most of the biogeochemical and physical differences between the rhizosphere and the surrounding soil are caused by the release of rhizodeposits, i.e. highly bioavailable, low-molecular weight organic substrates originating from exudates, lysates, and from mucilage. Rhizodeposition is a key driver for microbial-mediated processes in soil and a major link between above- and belowground processes.
New insights into rhizosphere functioning will promote a more comprehensive understanding of how plants control their environment. Researchers investigating C pools and fluxes in the rhizosphere, biochemical characteristics of the rhizosphere, and exchange of C and nutrients between plants, microorganisms and soil compartments are cordially invited to join this session.
P 3.1 | Philipp Giesemann, Marcus Stöckel, Gerhard Gebauer A Multi-Element Stable Isotope Natural Abundance Approach Indicates Partial Mycoheterotrophy Already For Equisetum Species - Living Fossils Among The Vascular Plants |
P 3.2 | Annkathrin Hömberg, Egbert Matzner Drying and rewetting mobilizes phosphorus and nitrogen from undisturbed forest floors. |
P 3.3 | Mutez Ahmed Root type matters: measurement of water uptake by seminal, crown and lateral roots in maize |
P 3.4 | Amit Kumar, Yakov Kuzyakov, Johanna Pausch Trait functionality: Role in nutrient acquisition and driving plant-soil interactions |
P 3.5 | Julienne Schiebold, Martin. I. Bidartondo, Gerhard Gebauer Many ways to exploit mycorrhizas: the mycoheterotrophy continuum in orchids |