2 Stable isotopes in environmental research - bridging disciplines, organisms and processes

Chair: Tillmann Lüders, Eva Lehndorff and Gerhard Gebauer

Thursday, 14:30-15:45,

The fluxes and partitioning of carbon, nutrients and water in environmental systems are central components of ecosystem functioning. They are also subject to intensive scientific investigation across many research fields of the BayCEER. Here, stable isotope technologies offer an unparalleled handle to track matter fluxes, allocation and organismic involvement, either at natural isotope abundance or as enriched amendments. Across a wide range of (bio)markers, analytical technologies and research disciplines, this session aims to showcase ongoing research involving stable isotope technologies at the BayCEER. We aim to provide a nucleus for stimulating scientific discussion on the latest advances in the use of stable isotope strategies to improve our understanding of ecosystem functioning.

14:30O 2.1: Stefan Bindereif et al.: How climate change can help fighting fraudulent declaration of cereal grains
14:45O 2.2: Nele Meyer et al.: Long-term stabilization of labile carbon in soil microbial biomass and its residues – A question of microbial nitrogen demand?
15:00O 2.3: Yue Sun et al.: Changes in carbon and nitrogen availability cause contrasting microbial mechanisms of soil organic matter priming in a temperate forest
15:15O 2.4: Tillmann Lüders et al.: Tracing functions within groundwater microbiomes by means of stable isotope probing
15:30O 2.5: Mohsen Zarebanadkouki et al.: Root water uptake and its pathways across the root: quantification at the cellular scale

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P 2.1 Sebastian Steibl, Gerrhard Gebauer, Christian Laforsch
Small tropical island ecosystems support two independent food webs
P 2.2 Julienne Schweiger, Henriette Schmidt, Gregor Aas, Gerhard Gebauer, Bernhard Götz, Holger Hartmann, Claudia Lenz, Candy Pflugmacher, Markus Schmidt, Harald Schill
Carbon isotopes elucidate drought stress in rare native tree species in NE-Germany
P 2.3 Manuel Vergara Sosa, Eva Lehndorff, Andrei Rodionov, Martina Gocke
Micro-scale mapping techniques for carbon detection and quantification in soil rhizosphere
P 2.4 Lukas Seifert, Philipp Giesemann, Gerhard Gebauer
Do the elusive ‘dark septate fungal root endophytes’ have an influence on the 15N stable isotope abundance of Caryophyllaceae?
P 2.5 Philipp Giesemann, Gerhard Gebauer
Does reduced light availability unveil an additional carbon source for plants?
P 2.6 Judith Kehl, Vincent S. F. T. Merckx Merckx, Sofia I. F. Gomes, Gerhard Gebauer
Multi-element stable isotope natural abundance in 13 arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophic plant species of different taxonomic groups and wide geographic origin
P 2.7 Julian Brehm, Yung-I Lee, Yumi Yamashita, Gerhard Gebauer
Searching for mycoheterotrophy among leafy and leafless Neottia species from Japan and Taiwan: A multi-element stable isotope approach

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