Active Projects
- Analysis of the relative importance of terrain heterogeneity, heterogeneous land use and hetero- geneous forcing on the ABL structure using LES
Matthias Sühring, Bjoern Maronga, Farah Kanani-Sühring, Linda Voß, Siegfried Raasch
- Conditions for horizontal mixing in the atmospheric boundary layer over a heterogeneous land surface by analysis of airborne measurements
Andreas Lang, Daniel Villagrasa, Jens Bange
- Terrain heterogeneity at local and regional scales and its effect on the closure of the surface energy balance
Jens-Peter Leps, Frank Beyrich
- Time scales, scalar similarity and thermally-induced secondary circulations: Implications for the analysis of turbulent flux measurements and for the parameterisation of turbulent fluxes in atmospheric models
Doojdao Charuchittipan, Thomas Foken