Marianne Ruidisch
Stipendiatin (Promotion)Bis 01/2013 bei Bodenphysik
e-Mail: marianne-r(at)gmx.de
Department of Plant Ecology, BayCEER
Research Fields:
- Research associate in the project REGECON (Regional Economic Evaluation of Adaption Measures in Agricultural, Forestry and Bioenergy Production under the Influence of Climate Change), which aims to link a regional economic evaluation model for agricultural outputs (REMBIO) with the crop growth simulator PIXGRO in order to examine potential effects of climate change on production, including bioenergy crops and to consider potentials in policy-making and land-use planning.
- Simulation of (i) gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Reco), net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and associated water use; (ii) plant growth via partitioning of fixed carbon into plant parts, and (iii) total yield of useful biomass products for the dominant land use in the Bioenergy Region Bayreuth
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