

FORKAST - Science and research management of the joint research center FORKAST


From 03/2009 to 06/2013

The coordination office has the task to manage the joint research of the whole FORKAST group. The group was established due to the “Bavarian Climate Programme 2020” as one of three interdisciplinary research centers. More than 50 scientists within 16 subprojects pursue research on the impact of climate phenomena (such as drought, warming, torrential rain, freeze-thaw-cycles and combinations thereof) on ecosystems. The subprojects are coordinated regarding their content and method of research. The coordination office helps to facilitate the communication between the subprojects, manages the data exchange and organizes project spanning meetings and conferences. It also answers requests from external scientists, administrative organizations and interested persons and coordinates public relations (e.g. websites, press releases, presence on events).


The synthesis of research over the whole FORKAST group such as analyses and meta-analyses as well as joint publications is pursued by the coordination office in close collaboration with the subprojects. Another major goal is the deduction of implications of research results on possible adaptation strategies.


The coordination office also develops contacts to other Bavarian, national and international research centers and networks (e.g. TERACC).

Homepage: http://www.bayceer.uni-bayreuth.de/forkast/de/forschung/proj/projekt.php

last modified 2021-12-08